It is presently estimated that 700 tonnes of carbon dioxide are pumped into the earth’s atmosphere every second of the day. Carbon dioxide is the chief contributor to the greenhouse gases. It is these greenhouse gases which cause global warming.
Carbon dioxide is released naturally into the earth’s atmosphere. Along with other natural gases it helps form a blanket around the earth and acts as an insulator. This blanket helps to retain heat that would otherwise drain into space. The heat rebounds onto the earth’s surface raising the temperature across the entire planet.
Since the Industrial Revolution 200 years ago, man has contributed to the greenhouse gases released into the earth’s atmosphere. The most affluent of these gases is carbon dioxide. Scientists estimate that levels of carbon dioxide have risen by 30 ver the last century giving cause for concern. Indeed, although most prominent, carbon dioxide is by no means the only greenhouse gas to provoke anxiety. Methane and nitrous oxide are just two of numerous other greenhouse gases generated by modern industry.
Post Industrial Revolution has resulted in an abundance of manmade greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere. These combine with nature’s own greenhouse gases upsetting the natural balance. The increased volume results in global warming.
Scientists believe the current trend in global warming could soon result in the warmest temperatures for over 10,000 years. If alternative methods of generating energy are not realised, global temperatures could rise by as much as 5? C over the next century. Such a rise would have devastating consequences. Droughts and flooding would result, as extreme weather conditions became commonplace.
A significant increase in the temperature of the world’s oceans would be catastrophic. Water expands as it gets warmer, occupying greater volume. This would devastate low-lying coastal regions as oceans submerge and consume land. Local communities would relocate, inducing competition for land and resources, yielding poverty.
Rising sea temperatures would adversely affect marine life. Warmer waters would disturb the equilibrium causing substantial ruin amongst a great deal of oceanic life.
Governments across the world must take action now. Industrial output of carbon dioxide must diminish and alternative energy sources such as wind farms initiated.
Ultimately our future is in our own hands. If we act now we can minimise the effects of global warming and maintain a healthy planet for our descendants.


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