In the fight against privacy invasions by spyware the TrekEight company announced in 2004 that their software designed to find and eliminate spyware, SpywareNuker, has reached 6 million users. Most commonly used for advertising and marketing purposes, spyware gets into your computer and tracks your computer and internet usage information. With this knowledge the intruder targets product specific ads to you based on you online purchases and sites visited.
On a more dangerous note spyware has the capability to find, record and send or sell to third parties you credit card and social security numbers as well as passwords, bank accounts and other private information. Officials from TrekEight have said that spyware can be annoying and even threatening but with the help of SpywareNuker computer users are able to and have taken advantage of the opportunity to protect themselves.
SpywareNuker gives users who suspect they have spyware a free spyware and adware scan. After the scan, questionable files are compiled in a list for the user to review along with descriptions. The user can choose to utilize SpywareNuker to remove the infected file if they do not wish to do so themselves. Technical officials for SpywareNuker have said the program was designed to be easy to use while continuing to provide ultimate protection for users. For beginners and advanced computer users, SpywareNuker will be satisfying and easy to navigate.


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