The facility used to master the CD is nearly as important as the engineer. CD mastering facilities are distinct from recording studios, and while a facility can include both recording and mastering equipment, most high-end CD mastering facilities are separate. The type of equipment used in different CD mastering facilities varies greatly. Some facilities use all analog equipment; others only use digital gear, while others have both kinds of devices.
Many CD mastering engineers think it is a good idea to use a different facility for recording and mastering. Furthermore, many believe that it is advisable for completely different people to record the CD and to master it so that the artist has different people provide feedback. It is always smart to get some fresh ears to give input that the producer and mixer of the recording may not think of. Of course, the recording artist should have a hand in all aspects of the production, from recording through mastering.
CD mastering facilities differ from recording studios in some very important ways. Mastering facilities are not usually acoustically designed in the same ways that recording studios are. For instance, mastering studios usually have large consoles and monitoring devices that would impede recording. There is usually less variance in the gear found in mastering studios.
CD mastering facilities normally have either analog or digital gear. While both types have their advocates and detractors, either type can be used to create great sounding CDs. Analog equipment is more old-fashioned, but creates warm, organic sounds. On the other hand, digital technology has begun to replace analog in most areas of production, and many people believe that recording and mastering will be completely digital in the future. Part of the reason is that digital processors and monitors are useful for making very precise adjustments and for eliminating extraneous sounds from a recording.
CD mastering facilities are state-of-the-art rooms designed to provide the best environment for hearing every aspect of a recording. An adequate mastering facility used by a knowledgeable engineer can make a good mix into a phenomenal master.


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