The invitation is the first impression of the type of wedding you have planned. Your invitation may be custom made, sophisticated, eloquent or a do it yourself creation. With all the styles and colors to choose from, it should not be too difficult to find the perfect invitation.
Whether your invitation is traditional or casual, you will need to include a RSVP (response card) and a reception information card. Other items you could put in with the invitation are directions to the church and reception hall.
With today”s ?€?blended?€ families it is increasingly difficult to find the proper wording for the wedding invitation. Here are some examples of traditional wording for your invitation.
Wording when Hosted by the Brides Family:
Mr. and Mrs. John Snow
request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Nadine Ellen
Eugene Everett Banks
on Saturday, the 5th of May
two thousand and five
at two o”clock
St. Paul”s Church
Bellingham, Washington
Wording when Hosted by the Grooms Family:
Mr. and Mrs. Gilford James Banks
request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of
Ms. Nadine Ellen Snow
to their son
Eugene Everett Banks
on Saturday, the fifth of May
two thousand five
at two o”clock
St. Paul”s Church
Bellingham, Washington
Wording when Hosted by the Bride and Groom:
Ms. Nadine Ellen Snow
Mr. Eugene Everett Banks
request the honor of your presence
at their marriage
on Saturday, the fifth of May
two thousand five
at two o”clock
St. Paul”s Church
Bellingham, Washington
Listed below are more resources to help you design your wedding invitation.


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