Most of us walk around caught up in our own thoughts. We don”t look at people as we walk down the street and we have the radio blasting in the car so we don”t even notice those single, sexy individuals in the cars next to us.
Tip #1 Get out of your head and into your environment.
Instead of saying that there aren”t any available guys out there, why not take your head out of your book at Barnes and Noble and notice if anyone is noticing you?
There are probably plenty of attractive men out there dying to ask you out. Your body language may be part of the reason why they don”t.
Tip #2 Have open body language. This means no crossed arms. No hiding behind books. No hunching your shoulders.
Tip #3 Make eye contact. Instead of looking down when a cute guy looks at you, meet his gaze. The right eye contact can be sexier than the hottest verbal conversations.
Tip #4 Smile more. Studies have proven that a smiling face is thought to be friendlier and more attractive than someone who goes around with a tight jaw. Relax your jaw and allow your lips to be at least partly parted at all times. Notice the difference in how many more people smile, look your way and approach you.


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