You”ve been told by your vet, and probably your friends that you dog needs to lose weight, and as your dog gets older with less activity they tend to gain even more weight. So, how can I get my companion pet to slim down? Here are the main reasons your pet may be overweight, and what to do about it!
1. How much food am I giving him?
Even if you”ve been feeding your dog an All Natural Dog Food, it may still be overweight. Overfeeding is perhaps the number one reason your companion pet is overweight! Most people overfeed their pets and give them too much food. First, you should measure and track how much food, and how often you are feeding your best friend. Be sure to count how many treats they are getting daily as well. Then read the suggested daily intake your dog should be getting based on its” weight from the bag of dog food, it”s right there on the label. Now you have a starting point of how much they are eating and once you compare it to what they should be eating, perhaps all you have to do is just give them the correct amount of food.
2. What am I feeding my best friend?
This is the second most common problem causing obesity in dogs. Hopefully you are feeding “Tubby” an All Natural Dog Food, but somehow he manages to convince us to give him table scraps and lick the plates. Once he has trained you to do this, it will be hard to stop because he enjoys eating what you eat. He thinks the pack eats together and should eat the same food, at the same time. But most adult dogs should only eat two meals a day, not three meals like we do, so how much food is he eating again?
Table scraps do not provide a balanced diet for dogs, especially because our meals vary from day to day and from meal to meal. Also, their nutritional needs are different than ours. Dogs should be on a consistent diet because they only produce certain enzymes to digest what they normally eat. So when you introduce a new food to them, chances are that they may like it, but won”t get the full nutritional value of it anyway. All Natural Dog Food provides all the essential nutrients that dogs need.
3. What kind of dog food am I buying?
We know that table scraps are not well suited for dogs because meat should be the main ingredient in their diet. Now go check the ingredient label of the dog food your using and see if meat is the first ingredient. If the dog food you are using does not have meat as the first ingredient, then find one that has meat as the first ingredient. Stick to one of the top ten All Natural Dog Foods like Eagle Pack or something similar. Avoid those with by-products and alot of grains. Getting their protein from grains will also mean that they are getting added calories from the grains, and some grains are difficult to fully digest and get an adequate supply of the available protein. You may think you are saving a few dollars by feeding your dog supermarket food, but the super premium blends are better for your pet. The All Natural Dog Food is more bio-available to your pet, i.e. the nutrients actually get into their blood stream. The inexpensive store bought food is loaded with fillers, and causes the dog to eat more as well. All Natural Dog Foods also recommend a smaller portion size, and you really get what you pay for.
4. What else can I do?
So, now you have changed how much food they get, what they are eating, and feeding an All Natural Dog Food, what else can you do? Well, the first option is to limit their food intake alittle more. You could also switch to a lower calorie blend of dog food. Dogs don”t usually like low-cal foods, but they will eventually eat it and get used to it. In addition, you could insure that they only have 2 meals a day. Of course you can also limit the number of treats they get as well. The final step would be to insure your pet gets enough exercise. Walks are good for dogs and humans, so take him for a walk and increase the time or distance you go. Most dogs don”t get enough exercise, so spend alittle more time with the special pet and soon they will be fit, trim and healthier.
We”ve given you 4 key ways to slim your dog down, and hopefully you will consider All Natural Dog Food, the very best for your best friend.


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