Laser printers that can fight crime? Impossible, you say? Now, maybe. But with the speedy development of printers today, the probability of it happening in the future is definitely possible. And would it be nice just sitting at home watching television and having your laser printers do the work for you like processing your important papers?
These are just some of the things that are thought of that can happen in the coming years. According to a research, laser printers leave marks on your documents that will serve as your identity. This in turn is connected to a tracking machine that keeps files of transactions done. This is not very obvious but once you search for it, you may be able to find it.
So what does this signify? In a crime is done, you can trace the signature marks of the files that were printed in order to identify the perpetrator and its origin. In that way, definite evidence is acquired without really having to go through police investigations and questionings.
Although this is one advantage that police can have on criminals, it can also be considered a disadvantage. This is in a way an invasion of privacy of the persons using the machine. Any dealings is noted and traced and makes you feel like someone is watching what you do. Even though people are not really doing something wrong, they would certainly freak if they thought that they are being traced. Think of the people who value their privacy so much. It would be a blow to their pride and well-being.
Another disadvantage of this is the fact that these printers are only machines. They are liable to malfunctions and failures once in awhile so that makes them unreliable. What if the machine suddenly backfires and the gave out the identity of an innocent person? You would be holding up a person for a crime he or she did not commit. That would be a bigger disaster.
It is fascinating that a machine as simple as a laser printer is capable of doing these things in the coming years. It is also frightening to think of the others things it will be able to do. But these are also a part of the ever-changing world that we have today.
Indeed, laser printing will have more valuable uses in the future. But for now, let it stick to printing quality prints in record breaking time. But for how much longer?
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