New Orleans, LA – Approximately $7 billion* in annual spending is expected for the search engine (SE) marketing industry by 2007. And members at Content Desk, an Internet content syndication center and a source of high-quality, targeted content for webmasters, are excited to be a team of go-getters and share in the bounty.
“Monetizing our websites doesn”t just mean finding the best paying advertising and affiliate programs to put on our sites, said Jack Humphrey, managing partner in the exclusive Content Desk Charter Members publishing group. But making the most of the visitors we get, to keep them coming back and clicking on ads and buying from us again and again.”
And Humphrey does mean a LOT of visitors and clicks. Research shows that marketers will be targeting 15% of their budget to search engine marketing. In fact, marketers anticipate spending $3.3 billion on paid search listings and $238.5 million on site optimization services, according to MarketingSherpa”s Marketing Metrics Guide (2004). ** So that”s a lot of bounty to share.
“The only way to do that is to have updated, valuable information that Internet visitors are trying to find, explained Humphrey. BE that resource for them and you will reap rewards far beyond what you may have already experienced with plain directory sites.”
Content Desk has a variety of tools to help member create and use all types of content. The exclusive online community focuses on four things; community, learning, technology and profits.
“We cover a slew of tactics we are using for members, including all the successful and not so successful tests we have done to pull in more traffic and more profits for our content publishing networks, said Humphrey. We are in the right place at the right time.”
Charter member David Granoff shared his experience with Content Desk.
Q: How did you learn about Content Desk & what made you decide to sign up?
I heard about Content Desk through one of my Internet marketing newsletters, and after 2 years of building sites “the hard way” and another 2 years of working with a partner building “resource sites” that I wasn”t particularly proud of; I decided there must be a better way to build high-quality sites. I”ve been very happy with the site building system, the very supportive ContentDesk partners, and the great community of like-minded members.
Q: Please share how you”ve successfully used the tools in Content Desk / Content Site Builder so far.
I”ve built a number of sites in the past few months, in various niches, experimenting with various formats – it”s very important to try different things and see what actually works. Sometimes the most “elegant” approach is not the most profitable, and the rules are always changing. Here are a few representative sites, in which I”ve used professionally-developed templates, home-made templates, and blogs like WordPress:
Q: What future plans can you share with us?
I look forward to syndicating my original articles with Content Propulsion Lab (a new part of the Content Desk publishing network that will be open to the public soon) to develop a good network of quality links from related web sites, using the online CSB tool to keep my sites fresh and to blog on auto-pilot with the auto-blog feature.
One of the great things about Content Desk is the great community we have. I hope that I”ve been as helpful to all of you as you have been to me. I also look forward to partnering with more members on joint projects. If you enjoy writing about something and are looking for a partner to put up a web site featuring your material and integrate some revenue sources with it, be sure to let me know … And thanks for recognizing my own little contributions to the community.
The Content Desk membership community communicates via their private forum, virtual conferences, teleconferences, email, support desk, workshops and new Mentor / Sponsorship Program for members to team up. Some of their tools are downloads and videos, while others are online applications and knowledge shared through learning. Learning is offered in the form of videos, articles, help texts, tutorials, member sharing and seminars/workshops.
Content Desk membership fees go right back into development of new software and tools so that members are always on the cutting-edge and far ahead of all the “point-and-click” site builders out there.
Cyber-brains behind the Content Desk scene are the “Power Trio;” Jack Humphrey, Mark Braunstein, and Peter Lenkefi. These three renowned visionaries found themselves smack dab in the middle of the emerging, fledgling web publishing industry.
To help others learn more and earn more, Content Desk is hosting a 3-day seminar / workshop in New Orleans from Sept. 9-11,2005, with a full year of support follow up afterwards. The focus is, “How To Triple Your Income With Irresistible New Content Publishing, Traffic Building and Sales Conversion Techniques – The Three Proven Keys To Internet Success.”
“Son of a gun, we”re gonna have big fun, on the bayou…”
For more information, visit Mardi Gras . To learn more about Content Desk and check on the availability of limited openings at Content Site Builder, visit . Join hundreds of publishers and writers in creating and syndicating your content at Content Propulsion Lab . Visit for help.
* According to investment bank U.S. Bancorp Piper Jaffray; “Jupiter Research Launches Search Service, by Brian Morrissey; May 27, 2003; ClickZ News.
** Search Engine Marketing Industry Snapshot, BizResearch ?2005.


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