You may already know how effective writing articles for web promotion can be. If not, don”t dismiss it as trivial or overdone. The fact is, web site promotion using well written targeted articles WORKS! Educating your prospect to the benefits of using your product makes them an even better prospect.
This key to effective promotional articles focuses on educating the reader, not selling them a product. Give them useful advice that they can use, and tell them how their business would benefit from using your product or service.
Since you may not have prior experience writing promotional articles, here is a free 3-part report I put together to outline the process I use to produce effective articles for my web site promotion:
This tutorial also describes how to format your articles for publication online using my favorite text editor, UltraEdit. By the time you finish reading, you will know exactly how to write and format an effective article to use to promote your product on the web and via email.
If you can”t write to save your life, all is not lost. There are many ghostwriting services online that will write an article for you on any subject you want. The best part is that the article then belongs to you, your by-line and copyright, the whole enchilada. These services are relatively cheap, so don”t let your lack of writing skills stop you from promoting your website using articles. You can even submit your articles to print newsletters and publications for added exposure.
As you submit your articles to more and more web sites and announcement groups, the more the traffic created by your article will be multiplied by. If your article can produce 10 hits to your website per day, the same article published on 20 websites or in 20 newsletters can produce 200 hits a day to that site. And that”s just one article.
Read the report at the link above, it includes quality sites to submit your articles to for no cost web site promotion.
Writing articles requires an investment of time and effort on your part, but will produce results worth many times your investment. The trick to getting started writing articles is to do just that, get started.
Your first one may not be the greatest, but practice will make a writer out of you. So don”t think that you”ll just skip this method of web promotion, that would be a big mistake. Get started writing articles now, or find that ghost writer that will produce promotional articles for you at a good price.
Once you see the results, you”ll wish that you had started writing articles sooner. You”ll see.
To see for yourself the results I”ve had writing articles as part of my web site promotion plan, do a search for “Ken Leonard Jr.” in quotes on Google. At last check, your search would return around 10,000 results.
You can do the same with practice. But you have to start today.


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