Hopefully you have followed all of the advice found online over the last couple of years about writing articles as part of your overall web site promotion plan. Since you have been spending valuable time writing articles, don”t let your hard work go to waste. Give your articles the exposure they deserve so you can get all of the rewards that you deserve.
Writing a useful, targeted promotional article is the important first step. But getting your articles published by as many webmasters and ezine/newsletter owners as you can is just as important to get good results from your efforts. The wider your exposure, the larger the amount of targeted traffic that will flow to your web site. It is your job to make sure that your articles are widely distributed on a regular basis, if you want the same results the experts get.
It is true that you can carry on a promotional article campaign with no out of pocket expense. But manually submitting your articles to individual announcement lists and dozens of free content web sites can get very time consuming. After you do this a few times, you will see how much time it really takes. And that”s after spending a substantial amount of time brainstorming, writing and editing your article first! If you are able to judge the value of your time, it will be obvious that it is costing you some serious cash doing all of your own article submissions.
Here are two inexpensive suggestions that you can use to give your articles a healthy boost of exposure, while giving you a lot more time to concentrate on activities that directly produce revenue for your home business.
First, consider hiring an article distribution service that will submit your articles to the major lists, groups and online directories for you. Adopting this practice will give you more extra time than you ever imagined. Just write your article, email it to your distributor and that”s it!
Do this on a regular basis and you will see a steady rise in your web site traffic. Your site”s listings in the major search engines will also improve in rank over time, if you are consistent with your web site promotion efforts.
Paying someone to distribute your promotional articles every month is a smart approach to using articles for web site promotion. I have used just such a service for close to two years now and suggest that you do the same, if you want big results from your article promotions. Bill Platt, owner of http://www.thePhantomWriters.com does a good job of distributing my articles. His rates are very reasonable and he”s a good guy, too. (I am not affiliated with Bill Platt in any way — I”m just a satisfied customer 🙂
Another good way to spend a few dollars and get some big exposure is to open a free writer”s account at www.IdeaMarketers.com . After you submit an article to their free content directory (yes, you have to manually submit to this one site, but it”s worth it… you can bid on your listing”s placement on the main page and subject specific index pages. For a $5-$15 bid, you can have an ad for your article (including a photo of YOU) listed prominently on this site for an entire week. Your writer”s account will even show you how many hits your article has received so you can compare how one of your articles does versus another. (BTW, I am not affiliated with http://www.IdeaMarketers.com, either 🙂
You will often see articles that I”ve written listed at the top of the main IdeaMarketers.com home page, along with other notable online marketers and writers. You will enjoy the results you get from making a small bid on your article listing, as I do.
It is possible to write and submit articles for web site promotion and not spend any cash. Hopefully you now see that by spending a small amount each month to support your article promotion efforts, you can enjoy much better results than many other article writers are getting.


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