1) Before you start, you must find the right keywords. If you
optimize your WebPages for the wrong keywords you will fail on
your campaigns. Try to avoid the highly competitive keywords
such as “Work from home”, for example. You can’t beat millions
of competitive websites. There are two Great free tools for
finding keywords: http://www.goodkeywords.com and overture
suggestion tool: http://inventory.overture.com
2) The page optimization easy rules you must follow are these:
a) Put your keyword in your title tag, for example we will use
the keyword “self improvement software” self improvement
b) Put your keyword in the heading tag – self improvement
c) Bold with tags the keyword inside your text.
3) Mention your primary keyword at the very top left and at the
very bottom right hand side of the webpage. A trick you can use
is to include this in the information line at the
bottom of the website. This would be a good example:
http://www.selfimprovement.com – A self improvement software.
4) Use the image tag with your keyword. Be careful. Do NOT fill
the tag with many keywords. It will be considered as spamming
and search engines will ban your site.
5) List your site in Google in 24 hours. Yes, you can do that by
many ways actually. There is no need for waiting 6 weeks in
order for your site to be indexed. You can do it in 24 hours by:
a) Purchasing links with big page rank from other websites like:
http://www.textlinkbrokers.com (paid solution)
b) Creating your own Blog for Free to http://www.blogger.com and
Google will crawl your site in 24-48 hours max.
6) Next step is to search for the Top 1 site on search engines
for your keyword. Study your competition and check what they are
doing right. First check the tags and optimization rules they
follow and then check the websites that are linked with it. You
can do it by going to Google and typing in the search box:
link:http://www.competitorsite.com. In this way, you will find
the website’s link partners and you can contact them and trade
links, especially those with high page ranks.
7) Avoid the spamming techniques like hidden text (having same
color text with page background and human eye can’t see it too
many keywords in your title tags, description tags and keyword
tags. They will not help you in your ranking, plus your site is
in danger of being banned from search engines.
8) Link your website’s pages together. Don’t have them just
standing in your web server. Search engine robots follow links
and if your pages are connected, they will crawl the whole
website and index all your web pages.
9) You can follow these procedures manually with no cost at all.
It will take you more time though. If you want to automate all
your search engine campaigns then an excellent tool for that is


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