It is a fact that people from all walks of life and traditions believe in dreams. Obviously, dreams have a very important role to play in our day to day lives. On the spiritual plane, many devotees/disciples are guided; messages of actions and will are instructed for implementation by their Sadhgurus through dreams even after attaining Mahasamadhi
(leaving the physical body).
Samardha Sadhguru Shiridi Sai Baba, in one of HIS eleven assurances has prophesied while in flesh and blood that HIS mortal remains shall speak and guide the devotees from the tomb. The Three hundred and odd
dreams of SAIBANSIA put before you in the e-book are a testimony of the fact.
This Book is dedicated to one and all who believe that God is above all.
The e-Book is designed with special and new technology. Oncedownloaded to a computer, it will open up just like a book. The page turning technology will provide you with a real book reading
Visit to get your copy.
Bow to Sri Sai and Peace be to all.


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