I remember reading time and time again when I first begun my Internet Marketing adventure that a mailing list was one of “the” best ways to generate larger amounts of money online. So I wasted no time in implementing a mailing list for my businesses. Or business (to start with).
There are a few ways you can implement this idea into your own business.
You can do it by free simply by setting up a few email addresses. Calling one of them subscribe for example: subscribe@mywebdomain.com and place it on your website as a hyperlink and let your visitors know they can sign on to your newsletter by sending a blank email to that address. (If you know a little about making websites then you can add boxes and have it auto submit to your web address for better presentation and more simplicity and ease for your visitors to subscribe).
Then you will need to set up a remove address for example: remove@mywebdomain.com. This is vital that you give your subscribers and option to opt out anytime that they want, otherwise you could be facing a lot of angry people that won’t mind displaying to the big wide web exactly what they think of your business (which can almost destroy you or complain to the higher up places and land you in deep do-do.
This option is very much labour intensive as you will need to keep on top of who’s subscribed and who wants to be removed every time before you send out a newsletter.
When I’m actively promoting and advertising my websites I have been known to get over 100 subscribers a day. That’s why I love my aweber, it does all the labour intensive work for me. The small fee it costs has paid for itself time and time again.
Joanne King – http://www.joesy.com


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