How to Get Your Website
Ranked High In Search Engines
with Free Link Exchanges
By Barry Stein
Free link exchanges got my website to the first page on
Google searches for my most important keyword phrase and
free link exchanges can do the same for your website”s most
important keyword phrases.
A while back my website,, was ranked
number 33 on Google search results for one of my most
important keyword phrases, “Beanie Babies.” I was determined
to get my website to the first page of Google search results
for this keyword phrase.
From what I had read about search engine optimization I knew
one of the most important things I could do to get my web
pages ranked higher on Google was to do link exchanges with
other websites. There would be no cost involved other than
my time to do these link exchanges.
So I started doing free link exchanges with other websites
that had the same theme as my website. I could target any
keyword phrase that I wanted to in order to improve my
ranking for it on Google search results page.
I made sure that the title text link I exchanged with other
websites targeted my most important keyword, “Beanie
Babies.” The title text link is also referred to as the
“anchor text.”
If I wanted to target the keyword phrase “Beanie Babies, I
would make my title text link (anchor text) Beanie Babies.”
This title link text would be a hyperlink and the URL would
be the keyword phrase I wanted to target.
What I like about free link exchanges is that I can target
one web page for different keyword phrases. So once I get a
high ranking for one of my important keyword phrases, I can
then choose another keyword phrase to target, and use this
new keyword phrase in the title text link (anchor text) that
I now exchange with other websites.
It is also important to try and do your free link exchanges
with web pages that have a high Google Page Rank (PR). Try
to get link exchanges with web pages that have a PR3 or
Web pages that have a high Page Rank (PR) are viewed by
Google as being more important and links to your website
from these high PR web pages will help your website more
than doing link exchanges with a web page with a PR1 or PR2.
However, all link exchanges will help your website
regardless of what the other web page”s Page Rank (PR) is.
It”s just that high PR web pages will help your website
more, especially if there is not many other links on your
partner”s web page that has your link. So having your link
on a PR3 web page with five other links is better than
having your link on a PR3 web page with 20 other links.
How do you tell a web page”s Page Rank (PR)? You can
download the free Google Toolbar at, which will display the Page Rank
(PR) of web pages on Google search results for any keyword
phrase you enter into the Google search box.
Also, if you check the Google directory at and locate the category or
theme of the websites you want to target, they will be
listed with the highest Page Rank (PR) websites at the top
of the list. Most of the sites near the top of the list will
be PR4, PR5 or higher. These are the websites that you want
to do your free link exchanges with.
Here is a copy of the e-mail I send to other website owners
to request free link exchanges with.
I wanted to see if you”d do a link exchange with me.
Many of the top search engines use reciprocal linking to
rank your web pages. In order to have high ranking web pages
you need links back to your website.
Here is my information:
Title: Beanie Babies
Description: You”ll find over 500 different styles of Beanie
Babies at Many at up to 59% off retail.
We also wholesale Ty Beanie Babies.
Please send e-mail to after you place
my link on your website with the URL address of where it is
located along with the information for your listing on my
Your information:
Once I receive your information I will place it on my Links
Page and I”ll e-mail the URL address where you”ll be able to
view your link.
Barry Stein
Do free link exchanges work?
Well, as I stated above, my website,, was
ranked number 33 for “Beanie Babies.” After I did about 50
link exchanges with other websites my rank on Google for
“Beanie Babies” reached number two in the search results.
So free link exchanges work!
Search engine ranking is one of the most important parts to
your overall Internet success if you have a website. In
fact, it may be the most important thing you can learn how
to do in order to have a successful Internet business.
Barry Stein is the owner of where he offers
cutting-edge tips on all aspects of business. To find more
advice, tools and resources to help you succeed in your
business, visit:
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You have permission to publish this article electronically,
in print, in your e-book or on your web site, free of
charge, as long as the author bylines are included.
Word Count: 852
Word wrapped to 60 characters-per-line


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