There has been much written and discussed about how you can distinguish yourself and generate traffic to your website through article writing and submission. However I wanted to make some comments and give you an insight into my story and that of several of my web friends who have successfully used this strategy.
The first thing I would tell you is that this is one method of generating buzz, traffic, and thus income for you and your web site that is not a hype that is only for the top level marketers. Don”t make this mistake of underestimating the power of getting your name out on the web and letting visitors find you through as many possible channels as you can. When I was first told that I needed to write articles (300-500 words, not too much work really) about my niche and submit them to the article directories on the internet I was skeptical and to be honest overwhelmed at the thought of actually doing it.
However with some good guidance, tips from other expert authors, and some basic rolling up the sleeves and diving in approach I was able to get my first articles up and posted. I did some very basic informational articles about basic concepts in my niche. Nothing fancy to speak of and I was able to write them based either on my knowledge of the subject already or through some simple research on other sites and books. What did I find was the result? Well to my surprise the whole thing took off like mad. I was amazed to find traffic coming into my site from strange and distant sites that had posted my article to their content. This was wonderful. Then I started to see how many links to my site I had created from posting these articles to various directories.
Do the math:
10 articles posted to 10 articles directories= 100 links back to your site
10 articles posted to 20 articles directories= 200 links back to your site
Now this does not even count the distribution of your articles to other publisher”s sites and how that rolls up the numbers in your favor. Suddenly this takes the whole linking process, which can be very time, consuming and difficult and makes it work quite nicely. Do you still need to build relevant links relationships to other sites in your niche? Sure you do but now you are getting lots of good PR links to your site and helping the whole process greatly.
So I saw results, I compared to my friends, and then I ramped it up to the next level and so should you. Don”t just do ten articles and then sit back and watch the scene. Keep on writing. If you don”t have the time then hire someone to do it for you. This can be accomplished for a modest fee. Simply visit one of the more popular sites that have freelancers on them and you will find a whole world you did not know existed. Some of the ones I use:
At these sites you can post a job and get bids from writers who will take on your job for a per article fee that you negotiate with them. The rates will vary greatly but in the end it is up to you to choose the freelancer and what you will pay them. My friends and I have had very good results in getting articles, eBook, and software created using this method. I will detail the process in a future article.
Bottom line, the process works, you will get results from writing articles, and your traffic will increase as a result. Traffic=sales. Also you can build yourself up as an expert by getting all this great exposure on the Internet. When folks keep seeing your name attached to content all over the place they can”t help but come to think of you as someone of authority. Oh did I mention that many of the se article directories have great page rank themselves and you may benefit from having links back to your site from their directory?
Article writing will make you a better publisher in your niche. It will make you more connected to the realm that you do business in each and every day. It will also create new opportunities that you may not have even dreamed about in your business building.


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