Did you hear the news?
Oprah Winfrey’s a billionaire!
Congratulations Oprah.
Now I bet you’re wondering to yourself. “How did a black woman, who came from humble beginnings in Mississippi, make it to the “Billionaire Boy’s Club”?
You might think she’s just lucky.
“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity”
– E. Joseph Cossman
I once heard Oprah quote the above on her show and you could tell she believed it. I think this is a fantastic philosophy and everyone should memorize it. Let’s say it again out loud: “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”
How did you feel when you said that?
Hopefully you felt inspired, because this is one of the keys to Oprah’s success: Preparation.
Without preparation you won’t be ready when opportunity knocks at YOUR door. How many times have you been jealous of someone else who’s more successful than you?
Ever think about WHY you feel jealous?
Maybe it’s because you think you can’t achieve what they’ve done. Maybe you feel stuck in a rut and wish you had someone else’s “good fortune”.
Wake up and smell the coffee.
Unless you were born a Rockefeller, or you’re a member of Sam Walton’s family (Walmart etc. You will have to work your way up like the majority of other successful self-made people. People like Oprah. No one handed her a silver spoon and said here’s the road to making a Billion dollars.
Oprah didn’t know she would be this successful when starting out, but she did know that she had to PREPARE herself along the way if she didn’t want to be stuck in a rut her whole life.
She prepared herself by reading. She prepared herself by having role models. She prepared herself by developing her verbal communication skills.
And most importantly, she prepared herself by knowing that she would always be true to HERSELF. No matter what anybody else thought of her. This is one of the qualities that people love about Oprah. She’s REAL.
How much time do you waste worrying about what other’s think about you, instead of following through on your goals?
What are you doing to PREPARE yourself for something great?
Successful people are too busy enjoying their journey towards creating a successful and fulfilling life to worry about other folks petty jealousies, insecurities, etc. As Oprah proves, it takes a lot of focus to just work on overcoming our own hang ups as we try to become better people.
So the next time you feel that someone’s luckier than you. Just keep in mind that their luck didn’t just fall out of the sky. Most likely they had a hand in creating that luck because they were prepared when opportunity came a knockin at their door.
And that’s just my opinion.


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