1. Start a newsletter that people can subscribe to, and use an autoresponder service like GetResponse (www.getresponse.com) or Aweber (www.aweber.com) to capture and store your subscribers’ contact information.
2. Use the double-opt rather than single opt-in method to capture qualified targeted leads. Why? Because double opt-in requires new subscribers to confirm their subscription (yes, I want what you have to offer) and reduces the chances of a bounced email.
3. Refer people to your web page that offers them a freebie (free report, ebook, etc. capture their name, email address & phone number (optional) and then take them to your home page while behind the scenes your autoresponder provides a series of follow-up emails to them automatically, re-introducing yourself and your business offer. Studies show that most people need to see your offer at least 7 times before they make a decision to purchase.
4. Include a headline & outline the features/benefits of the product or service you are offering on your web site. Make it easy for your audience to understand what they will gain by buying from you.
5. Include written testimonials from people who have used your product or service on your web site. Include audio testimonials that prospects can listen to and you will really capture their attention.
6. Let your “personality” come across in your newsletters. Allow your subscribers to know who you are and what you are about. Keep it real and be honest with them. By establishing trust and credibility with your prospects, you will greatly increase the return on your investment in time and money.
7. Be sure to include plenty of informational articles on your web site that focus on educating your visitors. Add or replace older articles with new ones on your web site each month. Keep you web site content fresh and exciting to your viewing audience. The more content you have the better. Search engines tend to rank sites higher that have a good deal of content and good content keeps your visitors or prospects coming back for more.
8. Write an informational article about a topic related to your business and post it on your web site. Include an “About The Author” resource box at the bottom of the article that includes your name, company, telephone number, address, web site link and your permission to re-print and use your article on their web site or e-zine as long as your resource box remains intact. Submit your article to web sites like http://www.ezinearticles.com and watch your web site traffic increase substantially.
9. Include a “Refer a Friend” section on your web site and add a hyperlink to this in your newsletter. This gives your visitors and subscribers and opportunity to share your URL with others. Most autoresponder packages make it easy to do this.
10. Start your own affiliate program using an affiliate management solution like AssocTRAC (www.assoctrac.com). Promote your new affiliate program on your web site or newsletter. Watch as you recruit a global sales force eagerly willing to promote what you have to offer. They send you a paying customer and you cut them a commission check. It’s as simple as that.


The internet makes it easy to start a business idea but what should you start? Discover the right business idea online for you to start with our definitive list of the best idea online. "Idea" is a fundamental concept representing the inception of thoughts, innovations, and solutions. It encapsulates the spark of creativity that ignites progress, guiding individuals towards novel approaches and discoveries. Idea are the seeds from which great achievements grow, fostering ingenuity, problem-solving, and forward-thinking endeavors across all domains.

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