Many times in your life you felt lonely and, sadder than that, you felt there was nobody you could turn to, in order to ask for help. Being uncomfortable when you”re alone is a natural reaction, because human beings are creatures that need social contact, just as much as they need to breath. In other words, like it not, we need friends!
But what should you do if you realize one afternoon that you want to leave office earlier, which you haven”t done in seven years since you got hired, but there is nobody in your agenda that you can call and invite to join you for a cup of coffee, precisely because you practically never stopped working for the last years?
There are no such things as true friends for rent, or if there are, they are called shrinks and you have to get an appointment, so how can you manage to find or to make a new friend, especially in those horrible moments, when you feel you”ll do anything not to be alone anymore?
It is indeed correct that a true friendship means time investment, and, in the case of adults, it takes even more time to establish an honest connection with a new person. But what about those times in your life when work did not occupy 90% of your time? Everybody had friends during childhood. Experts show that those bonds established during our infancy are the strongest and, as a result, why trying to build something from the ground, when there is something already built that only needs renovation?
That is why, specialists strongly advice you to reestablish connection with your old friends. The first step you should take, before dialing their number, is to invest some time and meditate on what led to this apparent lost of contact? If it was something you did wrong, don”t be afraid to admit it. Imagine that somebody comes to you after several years, begging pardon for something he or she did wrong. Wouldn”t you accept that person”s apologies? Of course you did and the same will do the friends you plan to contact.
When talking to them express you sincere feelings and don”t be afraid to ask for moral support or spiritual counseling, if you need it. Put yourself in their position, and you”ll realize they surely cannot deny your request. But don”t take advantage of them! Friendship is also about giving back, so always be ready to help the ones that helped you once.
If you discover you had no friends in your early years, turn your feelings towards your family, because between the relatives there is a connection that nobody can break.
But what if you decide that you got nothing in your past or in family that could make you feel you have a support? What if you never found a true good friend? Than, no matter how old you are, it”s high time you looked for one! Pay attention to the people you know and especially to the new people you meet. Invite them out, but be careful not to become too aggressive. When people insist too much, we always tend to be more suspicious. That is why, you have be patient, as a friendship takes time to build.
Nevertheless, never stop looking for new friends! Follow your intuition and maybe you”ll get to be the friend of somebody who is in the same situation as you are – seeking true friendship!


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