What if…you could have it all? 6 Steps to Living your Best Life
Simply put, people want more out of life. The 80’s were a time of wanting more money, the 90’s more time and now it is more fulfillment. Statistics Canada (Sept., 2004) reported “only 32.6% of Canadians surveyed report being very satisfied with life” So, how does one achieve fulfillment while also juggling the responsibilities and demands of life; career, family, health, money, relationships, community, recreation and personal growth? This is a very important question as life is an integrated whole with each area interdependent on the other. As more people begin to understand that the true measure of success is the attainment of life balance, they may also gain awareness that true life balance means including everything you want in life, or having it all. The 6 keys to living your best life are:
1. Design your Ideal Life
Dare to imagine new possibilities….what do you really want? If you were to eliminate the ‘shoulds’ and start owning who you are, being all of your best self, what would that look like? What is your personal definition of success? What do you love? What are you passionate about? Spend some time focusing your energy and getting clear on what you really want to create for yourself.
2. Visualize Success
Create a picture of a future you having achieved your ideal successful life. Fully associate with that vision, what do you see, what does it feel like, what are you saying to yourself? Make it as compelling as possible, make a collage to represent this vision.
3. Utilize the Law of Attraction
Everything in the universe is energy, start projecting the kind of energy you would like to see come your way. Knowing that success breeds success, start living ‘as if’ by creating success for yourself now in your attitude and outlook. Coming from a place of fulfillment and happiness, notice what shows up in your life. Make today your best day.
4. Practice Extreme Self Care
Develop a strong relationship with SELF, tune into your intuition using meditation or journaling. Honour your needs, feel and express your emotions fully. Take great care of your mind, body and spirit.
5. Clear the Path to Success
What obstacles are in your way? Be honest with yourself about the beliefs you may have that continually limit you from getting what you want. What are you tolerating in life? When these things are handled, it increases your energy and clears a space for what you want to show up.
6. Ask for It!
When we ask for what we want, it inspires others and empowers us as humans to really go for it. Connect with people, share your dreams. Draw on the power of partnering and synergy by allowing others to support and help us.
I read a very inspiring quote that says “The Question I am asked daily by the world; was that all you wanted?” -Genine Lentine
We only get one chance in life; this is not a dress rehearsal. The only limit to what you can have in your life is the size of your imagination, and the level of your commitment to making it happen.


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