You’ve seen a want ad for a job that seems to be the perfect fit for you. You really want to impress the employer, so you set out to write a cover letter that really sizzles. But, somehow, you can’t seem to find the right words. You’re not certain where the line can be drawn between recognizing your accomplishments and bragging. In short, you’re stumped.
It is important to realize that there is an art to writing an effective cover letter. However, you don’t need to be born with this particular artistic skill. It can be developed in a relatively short period of time. Still, you might be wondering just how important it is to write a great cover letter.
The fact is, without a stellar cover letter, chances are you will not be able to land an interview. While a resume is certainly important, it doesn’t tell the full story. That’s why you need an effective cover letter. It introduces you to the employer, outlines why you’re the best candidate for the job, and encourages the employer to find out more about you.
Obviously, without an interview, you can’t hope to get the job. Therefore, you’ll need a first-rate cover letter to display your qualifications to their best advantage. And, once you’ve crafted a cover letter you like, chances are you’ll want to show it off to more than one employer. So invest some time in a cover letter. It’s likely to pay off handsomely in helping you to secure future earnings.


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