Julian Kalmar
During his watch repairs, the master craftsman was exceptionally careful. However, once in a great while, a little part would jump out from between his tweezers and fly onto the floor.
The irregularities in the wooden floor made superb camouflage for the little parts, so finding them sometimes took half an hour. Slowing our searches was the very real danger of destroying a part by stepping on it.
As a youngster, I wasn’t allowed to move until the part was spotted. Later, when it was clear I could be careful, the master showed me a new way of searching.
After visually scanning an area big enough for my body, the master had me lie down. Then, by sighting along the floor with one eye closed, the errant part became instantly visible! My new viewpoint made finding parts easy.
So it is with life. Many of life’s difficulties result from poor viewpoints. We make things harder than they need to be—and prolong our suffering—because we don’t think of changing viewpoints.
For example, is stubbing your toe a source of upset, or is it a reminder that awareness keeps you from harm? Is breaking your foot an inconvenience, or does it give you great appreciation for your hands and feet? Is your teenager ‘uncooperative’, or is this a chance to improve your people skills and learn to choose your fights?
Each difficulty is a doorway to a happier life when used as a cue to finding a better viewpoint.


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