During the year, a variety of celebrations – birthdays,
holidays, and other special occasions – call for a gift of some
kind. We sometimes work ourselves into a frenzy trying to
come up with the “perfect gift.” The “perfect gift” is one
that doesn’t wind up in the bottom of a drawer or a gift
receipt because no one in his/her right mind would return it
(after all it’s perfect.) Or have you ever received a gift and
couldn’t wait for the return counter to open?
Why not invest in a gift that has staying power – the gift of
empowerment. The gift of empowerment is a gift that keeps
on giving, enabling one to enhance and further his or her
personal development and achievement. An empowering
gift is one that keeps on giving the whole year through and,
if we’re lucky, beyond.
Here are three empowering gift ideas:
The Gift of Change * Enjoy cuisine of a culture other than
your own. Learn about a culture other than your own. Learn
the customs and the cuisine, or purchase a piece of clothing
which can provide insight and an appreciation of others.
* Realize no one is perfect. Don’t beat yourself up about
the past – remember the past doesn’t define your future –
only you can do that. See and accept only positive people
and thoughts in your life.
* Change someone’s life for the better; do a good deed. A
good deed has multiple payoffs for everyone. You can
make life a little easier or enable others to accomplish
something they may not have been able to on their own.
The size of a good deed is not of importance – only that
you did something for someone else. The payoff for you –
as the commercial says, “priceless.”
The Gift of Knowledge * Expand your knowledge with
books. Seeking new information expands our mind and can
develop our spirit. No time to read you say, books on tape
(especially motivational tapes) are a great way to squeeze in
learning during the vast amount of time we spend
commuting, walking on the treadmill, or waiting at a doctor’s
* Take a class at an adult learning center or community
college. This inexpensive option allows you to further
your knowledge and increase your potential.
* Join Toastmasters! It’s not just for public speakers. This
dynamic international organization empowers you to
increase your communication and leadership skills in a
supportive environment. This is a must for anyone who
interacts with people – ever!
* Subscribe to a newspaper or magazine subscription such
as a health, finance, or major newspaper. Why not better
your well-being, develop your financial portfolio or learn
more about current events that affect your life.
The Gift of Goal Setting * Set your first goal – you will make
time for self. Even fifteen minutes alone, in the bathtub or
shower, can provide you with the time you need to just think
and find yourself. Finding yourself means determining what
do you want and what you need. Who else knows you
better and who else can give you what you need. Help
someone else find time – barter or give the gift of time via
babysitting or cooking a meal for another family (now they
will have more time for themselves, too).
* Commit to a healthful lifestyle. Diets are great for short
term gain but often fail because they are so difficult to stick
with. Improve your health with a subscription to a health
magazine, buy or rent a video/DVD, join a gym or
recreation center, or purchase a piece of gym equipment.
Remember it can only work if you take action!
* Set financial goals – financial freedom is a worthwhile
goal that can be achieved with knowledge, planning and
commitment. Whenever you find yourself in a buying
situation, ask yourself “Do I want this item or do I need
this item?” I find this a big help when deciding to make a
purchase and not be a slave to credit card payments. Also,
pay by cash and not by credit card. Start now!
* De-clutter and organize. That mess can make you feel
overwhelmed, confused, and stressed. Less truly is more.
Commit to keeping only what brings you pleasure, love, or
need. Organize your home and office to enable you to find
what’s there. This in turn will save you time and money
because you won’t be going out all the time to buy what
you already have.
I encourage you to start today – share any or all of these
gifts with yourself, family, friends, or colleagues. Remember,
the greatest gift of all is the gift that keeps on giving – the
gift is empowerment!


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