Millions of people everywhere would love to have more MONEY or free TIME to enjoy life, right? Right!
And everyone understands that the “World”s #1 Financial Success Strategy” is owning your own business, right? Wrong!
Most people associate owning a successful business with “bad” things like hard work, risk, responsibility, long hours, huge capital investment, the need to be some kind of especially talented or highly educated “guru”, etc.
Although there are wonderful legitimate businesses that do NOT require all those “bad” things, the vast majority of people do not know that. And what people don”t know, they don”t believe.
So if you”re approaching others to join you in your favorite network marketing or other “business opportunity”, you”ll frequently get a negative reaction or response if you use those terms – no matter how great you know your “opportunity” is. Frustrating isn”t it?
Most people have been trained, conditioned, or brainwashed since birth to believe that going to school and studying for 12 – 20 years to prepare for a J.O.B. working for someone else is the “normal”, “only”, “right”, or “best” thing to do.
We”ve been conditioned to believe our employer will do all of these things:
1. Pay us a good wage or salary that will allow us to live in the home of our dreams, take care of our loved ones, and educate our children.
2. Give us enough time off and paid vacations to pursue our personal passions and hobbies, travel the world, and enjoy and experience many of life”s other wonderful blessings.
3. Provide a comprehensive health care plan to take care of us and our families if we become ill, including a disability plan to send us a full paycheck every month for the rest of our lives if for some reason we can”t continue our J.O.B.
4. Provide a generous retirement plan so that after 20 years or more of dedicating our life to helping our employer become rich we can “retire” on an income that will allow us to do all the things we didn”t have enough money or time to do during our working years, live happily ever after, and pass a legacy on to our heirs.
That”s the “American Dream” for most people, isn”t it?
“Pipe Dream” would be a more accurate description. Yet even though it”s been obvious for years that the scenario described above is not even a remote possibility for the vast majority of people (let alone a likely occurrence) we continue as a society to promote and hold onto that dream.
For most people the J.O.B. acronym of “Just Over Broke” is more accurate. And “job security” has become as extinct as the dinosaurs. Yet this “Slave Mentality” – total dependence on someone else to provide everything we need – is still prevalent in the U.S.A. and in other countries around the world.
But you don”t have to look far to see painful examples of how REALITY doesn”t come close to that pipe dream for most people. Large corporations will continue to strive for profits by reducing benefits and firing or laying off loyal employees who naively believed in the dream. You probably know more than one person who”s been negatively impacted by the self-serving actions and greed so prevalent in the corporate world today.
There is a better way to individual financial security and fulfillment! And the entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well. But only a very small percentage of the general population has enough BELIEF and DESIRE to do something about their plight. Many people just don”t BELIEVE it”s possible for THEM to be successful with a “home-based business”.
And they”re right. Without that BELIEF it will be impossible – for them.
Many others with a “lottery mentality” want to believe in numerous “get rich quick for doing nothing” schemes, scams, and con games that are constantly being promoted.
But for open-minded people willing to do a little research, the legitimate segment and business model of network marketing offers the best chance for most people to achieve their dreams.
And with the RIGHT company, results and benefits can be far superior to any franchise or conventional business. Just ask self-made multi-millionaire “Rich Dad Poor Dad” author Robert Kiyosaki. He”s written a book and produced an audio program that calls network marketing “The Perfect Business”.
But if you want above average success there are “Three Millionaire Secrets” you must first understand, and then be able to share effectively with others. Those three secrets are the key to appreciating the “business model” of network marketing, and why it has more power and potential than any other business model known to man.
Here”s a simple question that can get a discussion started in the right direction: “Do you know what one main thing millionaires have that most other people do not?”
The answer to that question of course is “Passive Residual Income”. They earn money 24/7, even while they sleep, vacation, or pursue their favorite hobbies. And by understanding and applying the “Three Secrets” anyone else can too. I”ll be happy to share all the details in a free report. But I don”t have space to cover it all in this article.
Once you understand and appreciate the awesome power of the “business model”, the next most important pre-requisite for above average and LONG TERM success is knowing how to pick the RIGHT company. There are “5 Pillars” that must ALL be in place for LONG TERM success. And very few companies score high in all five areas. Again, I don”t have space to cover all the details in this brief article, but would be happy to send a free report and access to more generic, free information on the Internet.
The next “Golden Rule” is NEVER chase your friends and family!
I know that flies in the face of what most people are taught when they join most companies. But if you”ve “been there, done that” you”ll quickly realize it”s probably the fastest way to:
1. Drive yourself out of business,
2. Alienate most of your “friends & family”, or
3. Only have mediocre success.
If you have wonderful, truly effective, and value-priced products people you know could benefit from, don”t be afraid to share them. But don”t try to “pitch them” on your “opportunity”.
There are many reasons not to chase “friends & family”. And the “slave mentality” referenced above is part of the problem. Well-meaning people may try to “save you”
from something they just don”t understand or believe.
Unsuccessful networkers make the mistake of chasing the wrong people or “pitching” people who have no serious interest in a “business opportunity”. But by learning to ask a few simple questions, and learning to LISTEN to what other people are happy to tell you, it”s possible to…
1. Make New Friends,
2. Help Others,
3. Have FUN,
4. Earn a Fortune, and
5. Achieve YOUR Dreams.
All of those objectives and the sequence are important. Many unsuccessful networkers mistakenly only focus on number four. But if you ignore the first three, you”re unlikely to have much success. And for anyone who”s experienced frustration or failure in the past, I have good news. It probably was NOT YOUR FAULT. You were probably misled or misinformed by a well-meaning “friend”, or by some self-proclaimed “guru”, “leader”, or “super-star”, who didn”t know the RIGHT way to achieve true success.
The BEST way to find entrepreneurial-minded people who are truly interested in what you have to offer (there are millions of them out there and you only need to find a few is through effective TARGET MARKETING.
Learning to do this successfully can lead to my favorite way to do business – “Rejection Free Marketing” – having interested people contact you instead of you having to contact them, and sometimes practically begging to join YOU, before they even know what company you represent.
But it takes a little time to learn and incorporate these concepts. And again it”s impossible to give you all the details in this brief article. But there”s plenty of free training and information available on the Internet. I”ll be happy to provide specific detailed information and website links to anyone who contacts me directly.
The next best way is to purchase relatively inexpensive, quality leads from a reputable source. This is another area that is “buyer beware”. There are many sources, but only a few good ones. And how the leads were produced, has a lot to do with their “quality”.
You can also produce your own leads through targeted advertising, but that can get very expensive.
Purchasing leads is easy. But the most important part is knowing what to do with them, how to contact them, and what to say to them once you have their contact information in front of you.
Be aware of the “slave mentality” referenced above and the fact that most people have been taught since birth to be suspicious of strangers. Add to that the fact that 90+ percent of the population hates to be “sold”, and it”s no wonder most network marketers have problems using typical “in your face” outdated marketing methods and “sales techniques”.
Successful network marketing is NOT a sales business. It”s a teaching, coaching, training, and mentoring process. Done properly, the financial and other rewards
can be substantial, last your lifetime, and even for generations to come. And it”s not rocket science. So simple common sense can go a long way.
Who would you rather do business with, a trusted friend or a total stranger?
Most people would prefer a trusted friend. And that”s how network marketing thrived in the “old days”. The same principles of human nature hold true today, even though successful marketing strategies have changed dramatically.
By taking a sincere interest in new people you meet (on the phone, in person, or on the Internet and LISTENING to their answers to a few simple questions, you can get to know them quickly. And in a matter of minutes you can begin the process of building a RELATIONSHIP, and converting them from suspicious strangers to trusted friends.
You can also find out if they”re good prospects for your products or opportunity, and what is the best way to share your information with them (based on THEIR wants and needs so they are much more likely to make a mutually beneficial decision.
As unique and different as we all are, we also share some surprisingly common traits. And every one of us can be classified into one of four primary personality types that determine much of how we think, act, and live. Understanding these four personality types, and a simple way to quickly recognize them, can dramatically transform your business, your life, and your personal relationships.
Not only can it help you understand how other people think and act, but it can also give you amazing insights into your own behaviors, thoughts, and actions.
One of the best trainers in the industry does a free generic training call on this topic the first Saturday of every month called “Four Colors to Success”. Again, I”ll be happy to provide more specific current details to anyone who is interested.
So there you have it – the Magic Formula for Uncommon Success:
1. Accept that most of us are conditioned from birth with a “slave mentality” that prevents many from BELIEVING there is a better way. Trying to “sell” or “convince” those people is as fun and effective as pounding your head against a brick wall.
2. Take a sincere interest in others and learn to ask a few simple questions to help understand them and quickly start building a RELATIONSHIP.
3. Learn to ask ONE SIMPLE QUESTION that can arouse curiosity about the possibilities that exist. Then briefly share the “Three Millionaire Secrets” only with those who express an interest.
4. Learn and use the “Four Colors to Success”.
If you master those relatively simple steps, you can ACHIEVE YOUR DREAMS and live a life and lifestyle most people only dream of.
Wishing you ALL THE BEST this great life and industry have to offer.
Oct. 2005 by Michael K. Duffey – . No part of this may be copied or used IN ANY FORM, without the express WRITTEN consent of the author


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