Stopping Fear from Ruining Your Life
The use of hypnotic states can be extremely helpful in combating the stress associated with fears and phobias. It is a natural and effective means of achieving a profound state of mental and physical relaxations. It eliminates stress and anxiety and allows the body and mind to heal themselves.
Being hypnotized is very similar in feeling to what you experience just prior to sleep our while daydreaming. You are in perfect control of yourself and can wake up, or snap out of it at any time.
Hypnosis is beneficial because it reduces stress hormones that are one of the main causes of stress and tension not only in the muscles, but in the blood vessels of the brain itself. Thoughts are modified at a subconscious level allowing the conscious mind to be bypassed. This relaxation can reduce stress before a plane flight, vacation, or travel, and may even extend your life. Lack of stress can even increase feelings of happiness.
Simply thinking about changing can keep you stuck.
Your unconscious mind controls your body with no help from your conscious mind. Control of heart rate, respiration and breathing are all automatic.. If you touch something that is hot, your hand automatically pulls away without even thinking about it, that is your unconscious mind in action. Hypnosis bypasses the conscious mind to provide you with an amazing way to change your behaviors, fears and phobias.
The best way to change is to reprogram your subconscious mind to behave differently. The relaxed state of hypnosis allows you to feed your mind new information. The rational or conscious mind is put to the side and you are given the ability to absorb new information without the filters of the conscious mind.
A phobia is an automatic response to something that is happening inside or outside yourself. Phobias and fears are really nothing more than learned behaviors. A baby has no fears other than a fear of loud noises and the fear of falling, everything is learned.
The use of hypnosis will provide a method for you to train your mind to behave differently to past fears and anxieties. Soon you will begin to see how your little behavior was and begin to really live your life.
You can find some of the best MP3 recordings to help eliminate your fears be going to and browsing the selection.
Regular use of the audio recordings will help you to eliminate almost any fear, phobia or anxieties you may have. I have overcome my fear of shyness with the help of these tapes, it took me about 3 weeks of daily use, but I have very few problems talking to people like I once had. There are so many problems that can be reduced or eliminated with hypnotic tools, methods, and audio recordings that it is well worth your time to try them out


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