True freedom is only attained through grace from God. He
unlocks the chains of guilt, sin, idolatry, pride, selfishness
and everything else that falls into this fleshy, carnal and
earthly realm. These things are all ones that keep us held in
bondage perhaps by our own choice or perhaps by
someone else’s. But, we are prisoners nonetheless until
the bailbondsman comes and frees us and His name is
Almighty God. We are so fortuneate to be able to freely
celebrate that name in this country…at least for now.

“For you brethren were (indeed) called to freedom; only (do
not let your ) freedom be an incentive to your flesh and an
opportunity or excuse (for selfishness) but through love you
serve one another.” Gal. 5:13

Paul was writing to the church in Galatia warning them
about their salvation. It’s not something to be taken for
granted and used for self gain. One of the greatest ways we
can serve God is to serve others. Jesus at the last supper
stooped down and washed the feet of His disciples. He told
them that no one is greater than his master and that He
came to set an example for them. This is one of humility. We
have become a self centered bunch of people and we need
to get on our knees and humble ourselves to the living God
who gave us our freedom from death.

Jesus also tells us in Matt. 6:24 that we can’t serve two
masters. As we already know, it’s impossible to serve God
and deceitful riches, money, possesions or whatever else
we may trust in.

In being ‘independent’ of the world, is to rely souly on, trust
wholey in and lean totally on the Lord. This ‘dependency’ on
Him allows us then to experience the calm during the trials
of a storm.

A good rule of thumb is that whatever you give attention to,
will most likely become a habit whether it’s something good
or something bad. For example, if you love the latest
fashions, you will most likely be at the mall more than you
are home, buying the things that you love and possibly can’t
even afford. Or if you wake up every morning thanking God
that you’re alive, you will automatically be directed to get into
His Word for the day to set your path straight.

Satan has a bid for our lives every morning also, and if we
don’t counterattack his attacks, we will find ourselves in the
kinds of bondage I first mentioned. We need to depend on
God and not ourselves.

“The way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not
know over what they stumble. My son, attend to My words,
consent and submit to My sayings. Let them not depart from
your sight; keep them in the center of your heart.” Prov.

What the writer of Proverbs, is saying that those who walk in
sin are in the dark and will stumble one day, but if you are
saved by grace and pay attention to God’s counsel for your
life, you will walk in the light.

Since we are then saved by the blood of Jesus, He will
make it impossible to deliberately sin. Loving Him with a
pure heart allows us to be free from the things of this world
that keep us held in bondage. We choose to “attend” to His
words and submit. Once His words are burnt into our
hearts, we won’t be in the dark anymore. This is glorious

In giving all our attention to God, it will become the best,
most comforting habit we will ever develop. But how are we
suppose to “attend” to this habit?

Consider if you will that we are made up or a soul and a
spirit. These two elements must be understood in order to
understand what our love walk means. Our soul rules our
emotions, the fleshy part of who we are. It’s how we think
and how we feel. These are the carnal elements and to put
it bluntly, the shallow part of who we are.

But our spirit on the other hand goes alot deeper. It goes to
the marrow of our bones! So to “attend” to God is to allow
the Spirit of God to be saturated our human spirit! This
divides the flesh in the world and sets us apart to be able to
live in His Kingdom here on earth. This is further expained
by Paul in Hebrews.

“For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power, it’s
sharper than any two edged sword, penetrating to the
dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and the (immortal)
spirit, and of joints and marrow (deepest part of our nature),
exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very
thoughts and purposes of the heart.” Heb. 4:12

God splits us apart and sees what we are really made of by
looking at our heart. Does it contain what your soul feels or
does it contain what the Holy Spirit feels? God can tell by
your motives.

In knowing how to “attend” to His Word will seperate your
soul and spirit. When we are led by the Holy Spirit we will be
totally ‘dependent’ upon God, Who frees us from all worldly

God never intended for His children to be slaves, but that’s
what sin made all of us. His love, grace and mercy has
equipped us with the full armor to fight for our freedom once
we attain it. Satan plays dirty and doesn’t care if you belong
to God, he will do whatever it takes to make you fall away.

“But He was wounded for our transgressions; the
chastisement (needful to obtain) of our peace was upon
Him, and the stripes ( that wounded) Him, we are healed
and made whole.” Isa. 53:5

How can you doubt God’s infinite love when you read that?
By Jesus’ stripes we are healed and whole! Once this
happens, we are then to shine our lights like stars onto the
rest of the world.

“And the teachers and those who are wise shall shine like
the brightness of the fermament, and those who turn man to
righteousness shall give forth light like the starts forever.”
Dan. 12:3

As we give our attention to being a part of a great and
wonderful nation that was founded on our independence of
other philosophies & religions let’s also consider the
importance of the Pledge of Allegiance, in that we are One
Nation Under God!

He delivers our true independence, we are no longer under
the old law, but we have been made joint heirs with Christ
the Son, so we may all be called sons and daughters of the
God Most High!

Because of His STRIPES, we can all shine like STARS!!!!

Vivian Gordon a teacher and inspired writer of God’s Word.
She prays that her words will shine a light of truth to those
who may need healing from living in a dark world.


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