Spring is springing here in the Pacific Northwest the plants and trees are blooming. temps rise to 60 in the day time and only drop to the high 40’s at night. Everything is blooming and the ski season is over even if it never got started. A water emergency has been declared because of low snowfall and lack of rain this past winter. This means that we will see some sort of rationing and water districts can raise prices ad hoc. Pollen fills the air and I have to take two allergy pills a day now.
Spring is here and all this negativity, why? Only to demonstrate that there can be a downside to everything one thinks which means there can be an up side to thinking as well. Lets try the upside now.
Spring is here and the Magnolia trees are blooming brilliant white, the oriental fruit trees teaming with bright pink blossoms are stunning as you drive past. The warm afternoons feel so comfortable that only a t-shirt is needed. The hot chocolate mochas turn into iced mochas and the decks are swept clean and chairs washed down for the evening beverages with good friends in the twilight.
Spring is here and the children are running unencumbered by heavy coats and big shoes. Homework is put off until later in the evening as the kids ride bikes and play ball on the street. Lawns are mowed, flower beds are cleaned and garage sales begin. Spring brings bright sunny dispositions, the cold morning chore of scraping ice from windshields is a faded memory, and cars warm up much faster.
The winter lingered too long, the summer seemed too far away but spring has sprung and brought with it new hope and new life to our thinking. Grab hold of what spring brings and look out with new eyes at the great wonder that is right before you. You will be thankful and thankfulness alone will provide you with “Spring Thinking”.
Isa. 46:8 Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the LORD have created it.


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