Daniel N Brown
I believe we create our own luck, whether it”s good or bad. Consciously, or unconsciously, we may have ourselves at some time or another, produced our current conditions, either in our bodily health or other circumstances.
Because not much happens by chance, most things, good or bad, comes into our lives as a result of the thoughts we engage in, or by what God ordains to get our attention.
It”s easy to blame someone, or something outside of ourselves, and make excuses as to why we may be experiencing certain unpleasant situations. But, we must be mature enough to take full responsibility for our own lives and quit playing the part of the victim. It”s liberating when you can say, “I got myself into this, and with God”s help, I can get out.” There is no power in acting like a victim.
There is no easy way out of trouble, but there is a simple way. Think rightly instead of wrongly, and conditions will begin to improve.
What is thinking rightly? It”s what the bible says about you, your circumstances, and God. It is the truth. Thinking wrongly has to do with our emotions. Since emotions are inconsistent, they cannot be trusted. Unfortunately, this is where most people make major choices in life, during an emotional high or low. It”s a recipe for disaster! A person should never make a decision based on emotion.
As long as we go on thinking wrongly about ourselves and our lives, the same sort of difficulties will continue to harass us. Every seed must inevitably bring forth after its own kind, and thought is the seed of destiny.
When we think rightly, by doing and saying what God”s Word says about our situations, sooner or later, all ill health, poverty, loneliness, and inharmony must disappear. Proverbs 23:07 says, “As a man thinks, so is he.”
John 10:10 says since Christ died, we may have life and have it to it”s full, but also in this same Scripture, it says the devil comes only to steal, kill, and destroy.
Life is a battle. As long as there is a devil out there we must constantly be aware that he is always trying to influence our thinking in one way or another. He wants us to agree with him so he can control us. If you”re speaking garbage out of your mouth, then the devil”s got you right where he wants you. That”s why we must speak God”s Word in faith concerning every aspect of our lives. We need to agree with God!
Even though life is a battle, it”s also a glorious adventure, full of choices. There used to be a bumper sticker that read, “God is my co-pilot.” Later, someone created another one that read, “If God is your co-pilot, switch seats.” No, it was right the first time. God has put you in the drivers seat. He said, “I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore, choose life” (Deut 30:19).


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