We all know that the power of our beliefs shape our lives. They shape what we do and ultimately achieve. Your beliefs are not obvious. Yet they influence what you like and dislike. They make you laugh or cry. They can create heaven and hell on earth. They determine ultimately what you think is possible or impossible.
Here are two stories that show the power of belief. The first one is from the movie Star Wars. The second one is from the Maori people of New Zealand.
Young Skywalker is on the planet Dagoba with the great Jedi Master Yoda. He is undergoing his Jedi training. Skywalker crashes his spaceship in mud, which starts to sink. Both he and Yoda are safely outside the ship.
Skywalker: We”ll never get it out now!
Yoda: So certain are you? Always with you, it cannot be done.
Skywalker: Master Yoda, moving stones is one thing. This is totally different!
Yoda (slamming his staff into the ground): No! No different! Only different in your mind! You must unlearn what you have learned.
Skywalker: OK. I”ll try.
Yoda (again slamming his staff into the ground): No! Try not! Do, or do not. There is no try.
So Skywalker “tries”. The ship comes up a bit, but then sinks back down.
Skywalker: I can”t! It”s too big!
Yoda says: Size matters not. Look at me! Judge me by my size do you?
Eventually Yoda uses “the Force” to raise the ship and puts it back on dry land.
Skywalker: I, I don”t believe it.
Yoda: That is why you fail.
The next story is adapted from a true event that occurred in the Rotorua region, New Zealand in the early 1800s. It concerns a Maori tohunga (seer) and an missionary. The Christian missionary is urging the old Maori tohunga to abandon his old gods and adopt a new god.
Tohunga: You want me to believe in a new god. Abandon my old gods?
Missionary: Yes, all your sins will be forgiven. You will be saved and heaven will be yours.
Tohunga. If this new god is all-powerful then show me the power of this new god?
The missionary opens his Bible and begins to read a passage….
Tohunga interrupts. No, no! Show me the power of your god?
The missionary is a little confused. The Maori tohunga bends down to the ground and picks up a dry withered leaf. He cups it in his hands. Chanting quietly to the sky and earth, he breathes into his cupped hands.
Tohunga. I will now show you the power of my gods.
Opening his hands, Tohunga reveals a fresh green leaf. The missionary turns pale and steps back, clutching his Bible to his chest.
The Missionary crosses himself and quickly leaves saying: Satan, Get behind me.
The power of our beliefs determine how we behave and ultimately what we become. So ask yourself
What are my beliefs about life? What are my beliefs about what is real? What is unreal?
If these questions cause a negative or positive response in your body then you have triggered off a belief somewhere. Find out what are your negative and positive beliefs? How? Identify your negative and positive reactions. Then look underneath to find the parent belief. Feed your positive beliefs. Starve your negative beliefs. And then your reactions and actions will change.


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