It happened to you more than once to meet a person and before getting to actually know the person, to realize that you simply couldn’t get along well with him or her, no matter how hard you tried. There are a lot of ancient believes, which say that people we simply can’t stand, reflect, in fact, a bad or weak point of our own personality, which we totally dislike. In other words, if you dislike about yourself the fact that you are afraid to speak in public and you are making efforts to change that, you will probably despise people who have the same problem that you do. Nevertheless, once you solve your problem, your feelings towards that person, might turn into pity and you might find yourself trying to help that person.
Always remember that, in order to feel good about yourself, you have to create and maintain a perfect harmony between your inner and outer world, meaning between your soul and your body, between your thoughts and actions, between yourself alone and yourself in the company of others.
We all agree that our inner world, our souls, have a great impact on also on the action we perform in the outside world, which is why specialists strongly advise you to meditate on how to achieve harmony within yourself. Here are also some things to keep in mind:
Try to forgive more, because nobody is perfect and everybody makes mistakes. Accept the errors that people around you commit, but don’t forget about your own mistakes. Remember that it takes a very strong person to have the power to admit having done something condemnable and even if, at the beginning, the others might blame you, be sure that, after a while, they will appreciate your honesty.
Get more attached to the persons around you and say a strong no to the isolation. Scientists confirm that human beings are more happy and feel more accomplished with themselves when living in society, surrounded by other people. Thus, you shouldn’t be afraid to make more friends. If you are wondering how you can do that, we recommend you start by listening more to other people’s problems, stop being egocentric and offer your help, whenever you’re given the opportunity. The feeling of being useful to the others, will result into a feeling of quiet and peacefulness with your own person.
Although everyday life gives you plenty of reasons to be angry and affected by stress, keep in mind that defeating these feelings will make stronger and thinking in a positive manner, by trying to discover the good aspects in any less desirable situation, will get you through problems.
As the human being should be, as we stated before, a perfect harmony between our souls and our bodies, don’t forget to take care of you physical appearance, as well. I you are not satisfied with the way you look, do not hesitate to do something about it. If your problem cannot be solved by any possible means, then you must start to love yourself exactly as you are. As soon as you do that, by finding the peacefulness and the joy of being alive, you’ll discover the same kind of feelings also in the eyes of the ones surrounding you.
The last advice specialists give you is to never be afraid to ask for help or advice, because by doing that you do something for yourself, you let the others teach you how to improve your own person, which will always result in making you feel accomplished.


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