Do You Know You Have the Power to Harness Huge, Hidden Powers of the Universe?
First there is your mind:
– your conscious mind: ideas, thoughts, emotions, attitudes etc. you can directly perceive or conceive.
– your subconscious mind: your past, deeply hidden ideas, thoughts, emotions, attitudes etc.
Then there is the unconscious mind, which is collective, universal, common to all human beings and to all the Universe.
This Universal Mind has been called: Intelligent Energy, Supreme Energy, Superconscious Mind (Carl Jung Collective Unconscious, Thinking Energy, Infinite Intelligence (Napoleon Hill Supreme Power, Intelligent Substance (Wallace Wattles The Oversoul (R.W.Emerson Supreme Intelligence, Universe, God, and many other things.
I personally prefer to refer to it as the “Universal Intelligent Energy” (UIE).
It is everywhere. It is all-embracing. It permeates the totality of the Universe.
It knows no difference between past, present and future (time here and there (space what has been and what
will be, what you have now and what you want in the future.
The UIE makes no difference between thoughts and physical objects.
And it has the ability to solve your problem. It has “all abilities”, for that matter.
Your individual, conscious mind can join the UIE through various channels, such as meditation, affirmations,
visualizations, intuition, telepathy, precognition and premonition…
For example: In his book, “The Sense of Being Stared At, and Other Aspects of the Extended Mind”, Rupert Sheldrake a Cambridge-trained biochemist quotes a dream that occurred five days before the 9/11 terrorist attacks. “Mike Cherni, a forensic scientist who worked 300 yards from the World Trade Center, had a dream he was on an airplane. He became alarmed as the plane took an unusual flight path very low over Manhattan.
“It was clear that we were flying directly south over the southern tip of the island, Chernis explained to the researcher. “Then there was a tremendous impact and I woke up. This dream disturbed me for days afterward, enough that I described the dream to my wife.”
Sheldrake talks of “a kind of collective unconscious that allows members of a species to draw from, and contribute to, the collective memory of the species.”
In this article, we”ll be talking more specifically of affirmations and visualizations.
If you express your “wants” or “wishes” often enough (affirmations/repetition they get impressed (or imprinted) in the UIE, after travelling from your conscious mind and through your subconscious mind. Finally, they become real, physically real, because your wishes eventually pervade the whole Universe, get into contact with whoever or whatever can fullfil them, and get fullfilled.
For, “there is no problem without a solution”. Problems and solutions follow each other like night and day.
Maybe it should be more accurate to say that problems and solutions co-exist in the UIE. Or that they search for each other like two eager lovers or Siamese twins who must urgently be joined back together.
And the individual mind”s job is to join them together: this can be achieved through the repetition of affirmations
and through visualizations i.e. seeing yourself as you are AFTER you have received what you want.
A.M.Sall – author, coach, success mindset philosopher


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