Philippians 4:6do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Have you ever been worried about anything? Worried about how you were going to get money to pay the bills? Worried about how you were going to pay for that new water pump that your car needs right now? Worried about whether or not you will ever find the right mate? Worried about whether the food in the refrigerator will last until your next payday? Worried about being terminated in the lay off? Worried about how you were going to make ends meet?

Worried just about anything and everything that may happen or could happen in your life?

Worried about being out by yourself at night because you are worried you might get raped or mugged? Worried that a bomb threat may be closer to home then you would like? Worried every time your child walks out the door alone? Worried about why everything seems to be going wrong in your life? Worried about whether or not your partner or spouse is cheating on you? Worried about that wrinkle or that new gray hair? Worried about your weight?

We spend an awful lot of time “worrying.”

Why is that so?

We all believe in God, right?

We all believe that the words that are in the Bible are true, right?

Then why are we so worried?

The Bible tells us, do not be anxious (worried) about ANYTHING.

When I first read that and understood it, I was elated.

You mean to tell me I have NOTHING to worry about! That was great news to me. Why? Because it eliminated a lot of unnecessary stress in my life.

All I had to do was pray and thank God, in advance, for him handling my seemingly “troubles.”

That was incredible to me.

Do you fully understand the meaning to this?

This means that if you are worried about NOT being able to pay your billsDON’T.

All you have to do is tell God what you want, thank him for it, and then forget about it.

Is that, or is that not INCREDIBLE?

Let’s say you are laid off from your job. What we usually do is sit around, moping and saying to ourselves and to anyone else who is willing to listen, “Oh, woe is me. I don’t know where I’m going to get my next dollar. I don’t think I can make it. I don’t think I can survive.”

When we are not speaking this, we are thinking this, “Oh, what to do? What to do?”

But the Bible tells us NOT to do that.

See, one thing that most people don’t realize is that what you think about the most expands in your life. For instance, if you are always thinking about the fact that you lack money, you will expand the lack of money in your life.

There is no need to ever worry about anything. Instead of thinking about what you DON’T want in your life, spend your time thinking about what you DO want. By focusing only on what you DO want, you expand that in your life. What you are doing is praying to God and letting him know what you want. Don’t be anxious about it. He will take care of ALL of your needs.

ACTION POINT: Whenever you find yourself worrying about anything this weekSTOP. Eliminate that thought and focus on what you do want. Then, praise God and thank Him for it as if you already have it. You will immediately start to see changes in your life, trust me.

Don’t Worry! Be Happy!

Dawn Fields is a motivational speaker, author and life coach who teaches how to discover your life’s purpose and incorporate it into a lucrative career. Visit her web site at

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