Jan Tincher –
Are you allergic? Then, you know, don”t you, that cats always go to the one with the nasal spray? When you say to yourself, I hope so-and-so”s cat doesn”t come near me, guess what? Here comes the cat. Why?
Because your brain glosses right over the *not* in your sentence and heads for the real meat, so to speak. Your brain is seeing the cat come toward you. YOU are attracting the cat.
TIP: Picture the room you”ll be in either without the cat or the back end of the cat as he walks away. Take charge of the pictures you have in your mind, and see what happens.
Your mind thinks in pictures. When you say to yourself, *I hope the cat doesn”t come to me,* look at that sentence without the *not.* The more you think the thought and, therefore, the more the message is splashed across your brain, the more your brain brings what you are picturing into your realm. So, let”s look at that sentence. Where do you start seeing a picture? *I-hope-the-cat . . .* Right there, right? You see the cat when you don”t want to see the cat. If nothing else, keep your mind blank, or, if you must see a cat, see it walking away from you. Cats think in pictures, too. Make your picture stronger, and see what happens.
How about this sentence? *I – hope – I – don”t – FAIL!* Oops. Which of all the words was your brain most attracted to, in other words, which of the words are many people most familiar with? Failure.
How about changing it to *I am so happy I am succeeding.*
TIP: If you have a conflict when you say *I am so happy I am succeeding,* go here: http://www.tameyourbrain.com/beliefpattern.htm and read *Do You Want To Change Your Belief Pattern?* You will understand more about it.
Thanks for reading.
P.S. If you have a problem with weight, you might want to check out my brand new ecourse “Losing Weight Easily”. I will be your mentor for 6 weeks, and having a mentor makes all the difference! Click here: http://www.tameyourbrain.com/weightEcourse/weightoffer.php
, Jan Tincher, Worldwide
DISCLAIMER: Jan Tincher and/or *Tame Your Brain!* do not guarantee or warrant that the techniques and strategies portrayed will work for everyone. The techniques and strategies are general in nature and may not apply to everyone. The techniques and strategies are not intended to substitute for obtaining medical advice from the medical profession. Always consult your own professionals before making any life-changing decisions.
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