It is natural to be satisfied with the way things are; but the moment we settle for how things are, we give up the opportunity to experience how things could be. Life is evolutionary, but only if we allow it to be. If we choose to, we can get stuck in the comfort of the status quo and miss the real opportunities that require us to step into a bigger life.
Many people in business are comfortable with things being the way they are. People will even say, “It has always been that way.” Just because it”s always been “that way” doesn”t mean it has to stay that way. Things must change in order to grow. We must change. To stay the same means to never grow and develop, and never reach our full potential.
Life is about change. Nothing ever stays the same. There are times when people resist change and become comfortable and attached to the status quo. The key is to always be discontented with the status quo and search for new opportunities.
Are you discontented with the status quo? If so, you are right where you need to be. Becoming contented means that you stop looking for opportunities and are not open to new possibilities. The status quo will lull you into thinking things are fine, but that isn”t true. The true nature of life is change, so if you are not changing, you are not fully experiencing life. This doesn”t mean that you can”t enjoy the moment you are in. Most certainly you should enjoy where you are, and be excited about where you are going.


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