For the last several years, I have included on my email signature the following salutation “Peace and Abundance.” This is a daily reminder that my success begins with how I engage my beliefs. For I know that it is my beliefs that drive my behaviors.
During a conference, one of my mentors shared a very simple exercise that I now use with my clients to demonstrate the power of how our beliefs guide what we shall receive. He asked those in the audience to take a sheet of paper and on the left side write the letter B for Birth and on the right side write the letter D for Death. Upon completion of this task, he then asked, “What was in between?” Answers varied from life to troubles. In his coy and quiet southern accent, he acknowledged every answer as being good, but not quite the one he was seeking. Eventually, he stated that what existed in-between birth and death was “just a matter of inconvenience.”
How many times have you visited the local gas station in the morning, swiped your credit card and upon completion of filling your tank, you failed to receive the requested receipt? The electronic message is displayed, Please see cashier. Maybe, if you were like me, you stomped up to the cashier’s counter with not the most pleasant face and waited in line. As you waited, you looked to your watch and counted the minutes that this delay was costing you. Then, maybe, you gruffly said something like “The pump said I needed to see you for the receipt” or “My receipt didn’t print!” The harried cashier printed out the receipt, you grabbed it, quickly mumbled “thank you” and walked out in a huffy hurry. As you entered your car, you were still very upset and those thoughts stayed with you most of the day.
Now, by engaging a mentality of peace and abundance, where we accept that we will face daily inconveniences, life begins to change. Yes, machines still fail to print receipts. However, now when you enter the gas station, you receive a smile from the cashier because you engage the belief that this is ‘no big deal.” Your attitude of peace and abundance has infected the cashier and she offers you a free coffee as well as an apology for your inconvenience. You calmly walk back to you car, receipt in hand and accept this minor inconvenience for exactly what it is – a minor inconvenience. You choose not to engage in a mentality of conflict and scarcity. The day begins with peace and abundance. Just imagine how far everyday you can go by engaging beliefs of abundance instead of scarcity?
Personally, I can attest that since engaging these positive beliefs of peace and abundance, I have received not only the pleasure of a smile, but offers of free coffee and even money. However, what is really incredible is that I now begin the morning engaged with myself and in control of what I allow to affect me.
As always, the choice is yours to make and yours to live with.


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