Small talk used to be really hard work for me. I never knew
what to say and I always worried about saying the wrong
Then something awful happened to me….
I had to take a job dealing with the public. My worst fears
came true and I had to make small talk with a whole range
of people each and every day.
I found it difficult, tedious and nerve wracking.
Eventually after a lot of trial and error I got the hang of
it. And today I find it easy to do and even enjoyable.
You can do the same when you learn a few key distinctions:
1. Understand that the purpose of small talk is not to
exchange information.
It is a game you play to find things you have in common with the
other person.
Decide to be intensely curious about the other person and
go fishing for what you have in common. When you are
genuinely interested in other people they will respond
positively to your questions and to the way you listen to
what they have to say.
When you take the pressure off yourself to be a great
conversationalist and become a detective searching for
commonality the conversation tends to take care of itself.
Because people like people that are like them.
The more commonality you discover, the more the other
person will like you and feel as if they have known you
for some time.
This in turn causes the conversation to flow.
2. Give first to encourage sharing.
If all you do is ask questions the other person will feel
as if they are being interrogated.
That is not the idea!
Be prepared to reveal something about yourself first
without getting too personal.
By sharing first you are leading the way and cause the
other person to feel obligated to return the favor.
Sharing and receiving in this way allows you to take charge
of any conversation and to easily lead it where you want to
3. Aim to control the conversation.
If you can lead a conversation you can control it. You now
know how to lead any conversation – give first and watch
the other person respond.
Most people will follow your lead right away. If the person
does not just move on to someone else.
Never shoot for 100% with people as its not a realistic
goal. Life does not work like that.
And remember…
The key to success with these distinctions is to use them, play
with them and then adjust them to suit you.
For the sake of 10-15 minutes a day, every day, you can
progressively get better and better at making conversation.
Its not rocket science. Its just a matter of strategy –
knowing it and using it.


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