Wondering what to give the children for Christmas, wondering what gives joy, wondering how to educate/occupy and provide fun at the same time. Well stop wondering because we now have the eighth wonder of the world, and that is the Internet.
The best ever present that you could give to your child is the opportunity to further their education. We all know how the biggest majority of our kids hate school and teachers. How do you expect your child to learn when in a rebellious stage between the hours of 9am to 3pm? Yes you got it one, school time.
Let us go back to our schooldays, how much did you learn on subjects that did not interest you? If it had been a topic you enjoyed then it was a hop skip and jump through the corridor to that class. You don”t see our kids doing this today.
It is only right that children should be given the chance to choose what subject it is that they would like further education on. If this course of action was put to use then expect more pass results.
Let”s say your child loves science and his/her typical Monday studies consist of 6 hours of Maths, English, Religious education and 1 hour of Science

So if he/she is looking for a career in the scientific world what chance do they have of achieving this?
Studying for six hours on subjects that are of know interest you will always have failed exams. If the education system was to take into account the child”s feeling and give him/her 3 hours of the taboo subjects as they see them and 3 hours of science then you have one happy pupil with a ticket on the road to success.
With online education the odds are in your child”s favour to excel because they now have control of their own destiny. Online education is a difficult gift to tinsel up but the sparkle in child”s eye is enough glitter on Christmas morning when presented with a computer.
Thanks will allways come later in life when the kids have grown up.
By doing this mum/dad you have just given your child a lifeline to surviving in the 21st century.
Great prospects wait for those with a good educational upbringing but sadly the ones without may find themselves standing alongside Worzel Gummidge in fields of green. The grass is always greener on the other side with the help of a little knowledge.
The internet is a place where from toddler years upwards to pension age where learning is made so easy. Online education offers so much and is the only way forward.
The internet is teacher tutor listener a friend, get more involved with the worlds biggest information centre and learn. All this can be done in your own time not when others tell you.
Children have to make certain grades to qualify for a place into college/university. So this highlights the importance of further education to secure them a position to advance forward with their chosen career.
No knowledge No College
All stories you hear about the internet should not give you reason for concern because you the parent call the shots and have complete control of your child”s presence when surfing the web. Let the internet teach your children the difference between right and wrongs of the world.
Happy Christmas


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