Love, pure Love, is the feeling one has when they are appreciating the deep beauty of something in their life i.e. a landscape, a pet, a lover, a friend, themselves etc. It is a feeling that emerges from the Core Self and is associated with other Category 1 Emotions listed above. Allow yourself to tap into this feeling for a moment.

Now that you have rekindled the core emotion of Love, notice how it feels in your body. You might note that it makes you feel warm, lighter, more relaxed, more contented, more at peace, more buoyant, and more expansive, to name a few. You may notice that as you retain this connection to the core emotion of Love it may begin to spread throughout your body, even beyond. In other words you may feel it, or yourself, since the feeling also feels like you, expanding beyond your physical body. This is a personal awareness of yourself and the feeling of Love as an expanding field of energy. Some people call this spirit or soul. I refer to it here as Divine Self or the Divine Holographic Energy Field.

You will recognize that, when fully engaged, your Divine Holographic Energy Field (DHEF) makes, you feel energized, clear, focused, relaxed, alert, at peace, joyful, wise, contented, rejuvenated, healthy, etc. In other words it reduces any apparent stress you may be feeling in the moment and has the potential to enhance your overall well being. This may be one of the reasons, among others, why people with pets or a loving relationship live longer than those without.

The term “holographic” here refers to the fact that this field has embedded in it information at every level that co-ordinates mind/body functions in an optimal manner. So it is starting to appear that a) Love is a healing force that we experience as an energy field and b) we can tune into the “Love Field” or DHEF if we wish to enhance its effect on our lives.

Now what do we mean by “tune into”? Well to create the highest level of loving feelings (to sustain the optimal DHEF as our desired bio-field state) towards others our environment and ourselves.

What sorts of things block us from experiencing the optimal DHEF as our bio-field? Well, all conditioned emotions, along with their associated beliefs, perceptions, behaviors and memories adversely affect the optimal DHEF state. For example the memory of a failed relationship undermines the core emotion of Love by making one mistrust or fear it. This conditioning is embedded in the bio-field as energy irregularities or blocks which then manifest at the physical level as illness.

Unlike other energy therapies, a new and promising modality called the Mind Resonance Process (MRP), addresses conditioning due to trauma at the level of the Thought Field. MRP is a cognitive strategy which allows one to bring into awareness contradictory pieces of information about a conditioned negative emotion, belief, perception, behavior or memory which have been compartmentalized and kept separate. This information takes two forms a) beliefs about the purpose of the negativity’s presence in the bio-field and b) the actual mental/emotional/physical experience associated with having the negativity in the bio-field.

The client is made aware of the internal contradiction between these two and taken through a process of determining for them, which most resonates truthfully with their “inner wisdom”. By aligning themselves with their own “inner wisdom”, which is felt to emerge from the location of their Core Self, they are able to make powerful intentional statements requesting that anything not aligned with this inner wisdom be purged from their bio-field. A more complete description of MRP is available in: Arrizza, N., “A Shared Memory Case Study: The Mind Resonance Process and Evidence for Non-Local Consciousness, International Journal of Healing and Caring, January 2005, 4:1.

These early case studies with MRP have suggested that negative conditioning plays a very significant role in disrupting and de-tuning the bio-field from the optimal DHEF Additionally, MRP suggests that one person’s disrupted bio-field affects and can even entrain another’s bio-field into a disrupted state.

The opposite is also true, MRP appears to concurrently re-tune a disrupted bio-field state shared by a group of individuals while working with only one individual in the group. A clear sign of how we are connected. By so doing, a large amount of depleted vital life energy seems to return to the group field i.e everyone starts to feel rejuvenated. It is hypothesized that such events can assist such groups in achieving a co-operative state of resonance, which can further promote the re-tuning of larger collective energy fields. Such studies are currently being planned.

Individuals experiencing MRP initially release the energy blocks at the Thought Field level. This appears to be followed by a re-infusion of vital life energy that appears to cascade to other levels of the bio-field spontaneously. This results in rapid and spontaneous healing. This supports the concept of a DHEF that is ever present and attempting to support the entire being in a natural way. Conceptually then we have reached a point here where we can hypothesize that “restoring” the optimal DHEF is what is required to facilitate the natural healing process.

To illustrate the impact on the DHEF of conditioned negative experiences I often use the visual analogy of a pebble thrown into a still pond to represent it 2 Dimensions. Without negative effects present the pebble sets up a regular and ever present circular wave that travels outwards in beautiful geometric form. This is conceptually analogous to the subjectively experienced energy field of Love emerging and expanding from the Core Self. The field, in our model, remains undisturbed only if we assume an infinitely large pond and no loss of energy due to gravity or friction at the molecular level. This is equivalent to a bio-field optimally tuned to the DHEF and in which no energy is drained or depleted from the system.

Now let us add back gravity, intermolecular forces and assume a dramatic shift in the weather with high winds and rain. The pristine beauty of the original wave gets so distorted and its energy depleted that we can no longer recognize it. Given enough time we lose an ability to make it out entirely. This is equivalent to the bio-field becoming de-tuned from the DHEF, losing its energy, its pristine form and being overtaken by a chaotic, disorganizing field of energy and information. How does this feel? Well it feels like stress.

At this point I would like to offer a new definition of consciousness that departs from the mind/brain-centered definition we have been so used to. I would like to propose that we refer to consciousness as representing the state of tuning of the human bio-field. According to this definition, a “conscious” individual is one whose bio-field is optimally tuned or in resonance with the DHEF and in which she experiences an unfettered Love field embracing her entire being.

Alternately, being “unconscious” here implies having dissonant field effects intruding in on the bio-field thereby leading to a sub-optimal tuning or resonance with the DHEF. This is felt as an intrusion of conditioned emotions into the mind/body and as a disconnection from the Love Field thus contributing to energy distortion, depletion and stress.

Employing this new definition of “consciousness” we can then say that health is a state of being “conscious” and illness is a state of being “unconscious”. The question becomes then; can any of us ever become truly “conscious” that is embraced by the Love Field entirely? Additionally what potential resides with respect to healing our bodies if we could achieve such a state?

In my work I have noticed that as individuals effect major re-tuning of their bio-fields with MRP, they not only start to feel healthier, they also start to feel and look younger. Additionally they become aware that this “new state” not only feels good, it feels strangely familiar. Almost all individuals experience this as their Core Self. Many also recognize that the conditioned emotions of trauma have cheated them of this experience of themselves their entire lives. Once in this highly tuned state, all individuals recognize that the conditioned emotions are an unwelcome overlay to the human experience and not what it means to be human at all. In other words they achieve a higher awareness and experience of what it truly means to be a human being.

Others have also noted that this is what they consider an experience of their Spiritual Self. In other words, they achieve an experience of their Spiritual Self while alive and in their bodies. This seems to counter the notion that one needs to leave the body (i.e. through astral travel, out of body experiences, near death experiences and death itself) in order to have an experience of the Spiritual Self.

In closing I wish to address one issue that I feel is crucial in optimally tuning our bio-field to the DHEF. This has to do with the Esteem with which we hold ourselves. Some people call this self-esteem. For pragmatic reasons, which will become clear, I prefer the phrase “Esteem for the Self”. Putting it this way makes one feel that one is more able to do something about it. It is, I feel, only by nurturing total and complete “Esteem for the Self” that one can optimally tune the bio-field to the DHEF.

One factor that, in my estimation, has impaired our ability to completely esteem ourselves is the belief that our bodies are just vessels waiting to be discarded. When we choose to believe this we automatically devalue part of who we are. The ultimate results are energy blockages, illness and death.

Descartes introduced the mind-body dichotomy several hundred years ago and it’s only now that we’re beginning to work our way out of that trap. I would like to suggest that we also question the body-spirit dichotomy that some of us now embrace. Something that is physical also derives from energy. Perhaps the physical nature of the body is solely a manifestation of the chaos that exists in the bio-field at this time in human history.

After all doesn’t the feeling of Love make one literally feel “lighter” (as in enlightened) and more buoyant (as in less physical and more spiritual)? What would happen to the physical nature of the body were we as a species to truly love our bodies? I would like to suggest that it would not only make us healthier but also begin the process of transforming physical matter (frozen light) into energy (pure light). In effect I am suggesting that tuning the human bio-field to the DHEF or the “Love Field” is the road to Spiritual Enlightenment. I would like to suggest that the prophets had it right, Love is the answer to all things.

Copyright 2005 Arrizza Performance Coaching Inc., All Rights Reserved

Nick Arrizza M.D. is an Energy Psychiatrist, Healer, Researcher, Speaker, Developer of the powerful Mind Resonance Process(TM), and Author of e-book: “Esteem for the Self: A Manual for Personal Transformation” which is available for download on his web site at:

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Dr. Arrizza holds ongoing International Telephone Healing and Teleconference Sessions on topics relating to Healing and Spirituality.


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