So you want to keep discus fish or are already keeping discus fish. One of things you must do is keep your discus fish healthy and disease free. In this article I’m going to give you a few tips on how to keep discus fish disease free as:
One of the most common assumptions with discus is that they easily get disease and die. This is not true. They will only get disease if you mistreat them.
The root of the problem is stress, if you cause discus stress there immune system will lower and make them venerable to disease. It is important to keep stress to a minimum so below I have made you a check list of things to do.
• Make sure all water is free from chlorine and heavy metals. It is important that you invest in either an RO unit, water purifier or use a good quality tap water condition.
• Give your discus a good varied diet including frozen bloodworm and slow sinking granules.
• Don’t place your discus aquarium near a door and all the movement will cause them stress.
• If you are keeping young discus, keep in groups of no less than six. Discus are a shoaling fish.
• Make sure there are no large changes in pH, hardness or temperature when changing water.
Above are just a few things that you can do to make sure your discus fish live a happy life and remain healthy. Remember discus are not hard to keep, they just require regular water changes and a good varied diet like most other fish. For more details on discus fish please check out my website at


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