In a sport that hardly has any controversies; few issues have come as close to being controversial as golf weight training programs have. More so with amateur and non-professional golfers.
And yet if you really examine the facts, golf weight training programs need not be controversial at all.
Although professionals have now fully embraced the benefit of golf weight training programs, amongst the other golfers golf weight training programs are still looked on with a lot of fear and apprehension. These fears are of course mainly based on ignorance rather than enough solid facts and knowledge.
One of the greatest fears is that some of the golf weight training programs designed to build strength are too strenuous. Others fear that they will develop great big muscles that will make them stiff and yet flexibility is an important attribute for any golfer.
These fears are of course completely unjustified. Most golf weight training programs have been successfully completed by golfers who are as old as 80 years old. Junior golfers barely in their teens have also graduated from the same programs without any problem. Not to mention lady golfers some of who are senior citizens.
Then it is significant to note that golf weight training programs are designed to increase strength and not to body build or build great huge muscles. The use of dumbbells is different for the two different objectives. For example lighter weights are used and they are lifted more times than the case would be for a bodybuilder dealing in much heavier weights.
Many good golf weight training programs involving dumbbells will also include certain stretch exercises using them. Stretch exercises are very good in improving golf swings.
When you take a closer look, golf weight training programs are really not be feared. Rather they should be embraced as they have helped many golfers revolutionize their games.
There is no doubt that the importance of golf weight training programs will continue to rise in the years to come.


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