There is a huge secondary market for seraphim angels. This means that seraphim angels are sold not only by artists, vendors and distributors, but also by private companies and collectors, who buy and sell seraphim angels for profit. Those who buy and sell seraphim angels on the secondary market have to stay highly attuned to the status of many different seraphim angels. This keeps them competitive in the volatile world of collectibles.
Usually produced for retail at under $100 each, but sometimes produced in limited editions for as much as $1,000 each, seraphim angels tend to appreciate steadily in secondary market value, sometimes up into the thousands for modern models, or even higher for antiques in good condition. The value of seraphim angels is affected by a number of factors.
When a seraphim angel is exceptionally beautiful in its design or craftsmanship, people flock to obtain it, increasing its value.
Retirement Status
When a seraphim angel is retired, its value increases. This means that the angel will no longer be reproduced by the company and therefore is available only on the secondary market. The longer an angel has been retired, the more likely its value is to increase.
The value of seraphim angels depends in part on how prestigious it is. Figures recognized by the National Association of Limited Edition Dealers, Collectible Editions, and other trade organizations are given a boost in value. The Seraphim Classics Collection, for example, has garnered more awards than any other line of angels. This makes their angels the most valuable in the industry.


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