A modern person devotes to the Internet a significant part of his leisure or work time. Some may not even think of how unpractical their time allocation is. Living by the “as-long-as-it-works-I’m-happy” principle we are depriving ourselves of a great number of conveniences saving the precious time that we are always short of. Think about it – do you use the remote control for your TV, the timer on your radio, the answering machine, the cordless phone, etc.? Why? Obviously, because all these things make our daily life easier, adding comfort to it so we don’t have to waste the time on unnecessary actions. When applied to the Internet, the value of time increases, as the “time is money” principle works in the Internet in the literal sense.
This explains the growing number of numerous “Internet accelerators”. They try to solve the problem from the technical aspect, optimizing the hardware and the system settings. This increases connection speed to a certain extent. However, in practice such solutions do not produce any tangible changes. Therefore, optimizing the work of the user rather than the technical means is more efficient. Certainly, it is impossible to eliminate the human factor completely, but some applications are quite capable of automating some of the most annoying processes that take up a great amount of time. Thus, they turn the workaday routine of the Internet dwellers into an enjoyable pastime.
At present we would like to consider applications that save you the trouble of filling in endless forms that the Net abounds in – be it a domain or mailbox registration, signing into a forum or giving feed-back on an application, searching for goods in an on-line shop or just filling in a questionnaire… the list of examples is endless. Filling in these forms takes about 10 minutes on average. Isn’t it just the thing that is not worth wasting your time on?

Besides, in my opinion, this process irritates 99% of Internet users (perhaps, some actually truly enjoy entering their first and last names and grandma’s favorite meal J therefore, applications that automate this process also save your nerve cells (that, as we know, do not regenerate J). Therefore, the time wasted on such actions is inevitably present in the “time-money-health” chain. In a word, there is no point in describing the benefits of such applications as they are obvious.
Let’s move on from the concept of such software to a more detailed study of definite examples. Perhaps, the best solution of this kind for today is the application iNetFormFiller. The last 2.6 version is a long way from iNetFormFiller v.2.5, differing by both new features and optimized speed and correctness of operation. The application has been considerably optimized for Russian speaking users. Many peculiarities of Russian sites have been taken into consideration, which has raised the quality of form filling to a new level.
This version is equipped with the ability to convert RoboForm databases into its own format, which certainly adds to the universality of the application. In general RoboForm is an older application that in its own time has gained a certain reputation. A younger, but rapidly growing iNetFormFiller already surpasses RoboForm by many parameters. However, until now older adherents of RoboForm have been finding it difficult to switch to iNetFormFiller, because they had to enter all data anew. Now they can painlessly test the new Internet helper in action.
Also, the new version of iNetFormFiller has expanded its scope, and now it fills in not only Web forms, but other forms in Windows applications. For example, at the start-up of WebMoney you are requested to enter your purse number and password. So what will it be, entering a huge number by hand and keeping some intricate password in your memory? Never, if you have installed iNetFormFiller v2.6 that will neatly enter all the information for you. I have tested it with many applications, and every time it proved to be up to the mark. Isn’t it nice when at every start-up of your favorite application at request to enter some data all you need to do is click one button, and voila, everything is filled in? On the whole I am convinced that the choice in favor of iNetFormFiller is quite logical and optimal. So let us move on to a more detailed study of its features.
Consider its appearance for a start.

It should be noted right away that the application supports many languages, including Russian. It has an appealing user-friendly interface, so you won’t find it difficult to come to know the particulars of the application. Besides, the Help has been made to last. The screenshot displays the main application window. It is used mainly for setting, adding and removing various data, but you will work in the Internet through Internet Explorer, as always. If you think that you have to re-start iNetFormFiller every time you need to fill in a form, you are wrong. You only need to launch it once (or set it up so that it will automatically start with Windows). As a result, an icon will appear in the tray.

But the most convenient thing is that it integrates with Internet Explorer and is displayed in the form of a toolbar that in fact acts as a sort of control center.

Now that we’ve covered the interface, let’s consider the general workflow with this application. From the very beginning it is very important to set it up conveniently for the user, as these settings will determine the further comfort of using iNetFormFiller features. After that, just launch Internet Explorer and use it as usual. Whenever you come across any fields that need to be filled in, iNetFormFiller will do its work and you will just have to click one button – ‘fill the form’ (depending on the settings).
But how does the application know, what and where needs to be recorded? It depends on the data you provide. In iNetFormFiller all information is saved in the so-called “profiles”. A profile contains various fields, such as First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, etc. All of them are split into groups to make searching and editing easier. Certainly you can create your own fields, for example, “Dog Name”. When a certain page is loaded, iNetFormFiller analyzes its content and due to its intellectual system of data processing accurately determines the value of which profile field it needs to enter into the appropriate Web form field.

Actually, there are many ways for storing data in such applications. However, with profiles you achieve maximum functionality. In particular, due to the fact that we are not limited to one set of data. After all, you can create as many profiles as you wish, for example – one serious profile to fill in application questionnaires and one slangy profile for registering in chat rooms, etc. You can also select one profile that will be used by default.
In addition, due to the profile system in iNetFormFiller several users can use the same application on one computer. In the application every user can create his own account and protect his profiles with a password.
Although profiles are an extremely convenient tool, there are cases when one would do best without them. For example, a page may repeatedly require certain data that are not included into the profile. Do you need to create a separate profile for such cases? Certainly not! iNetFormFiller is capable of remembering all the fields on any page. All you need to do is provide all the necessary data on the required page, and once you’ve finished, click the “Save Form” button. All done! The next time you load this page you will see a window in which you’ll need to click either “Fill” (to fill the form) or “Fill&Submit” (to fill and confirm). By the way, the same window will pop up every time you load a page with fields to fill in. In the window you can select a profile other than default to fill in the form. In contrast to many similar applications, iNetFormFiller always accurately processes pages of any complexity, including those that consist of several frames.

So, all the pages that have been saved this way will be displayed in the left hand panel of iNetFormFiller, in the “Formcards List”. When you click on the page name, all the fields of this page (sort of its image called a ‘formcard’) will be displayed on the right. You can edit the form-card offline by entering new values. For pages consisting of several frames it is sometimes not quite clear in which of them you need to click “Submit”. In such cases when editing you can select the form (Auto Form). The list of all formcards is grouped by domains in the form of a tree. In other words, all the pages related to one site will be placed in one group. When you’ve used iNetFormFiller for a long time, your “Formcards List” will probably accumulate a large number of sites, and finding the formcard you need may become difficult even though they are conveniently displayed in the form of a tree. To make searching easier, the application provides various sorting options. This is where you will also find the button for collapsing the tree (a minor, but nevertheless useful detail!). It should also be noted that you can create “cards” not only for Web pages, but for Windows applications as well. That is, when you open a protected WinRAR archive you will see a window requesting to enter the password. With iNetFormFiller you can save this window as a formcard (like a Web page) and edit it the same way. Thus, once you save such a window and enter the password for it in the formcard, you will be able to enter the password with a single mouse click. This is just a simple example, while there are many applications where this way you can automate filling in complete forms comprising dozens of fields. As has been mentioned above, this feature was implemented in version 2.6 only.

You think every possible thing has already been automated to the maximum? Wrong! iNetFormFiller’s resources haven’t been exhausted yet. This application is equipped with a curious “process automation” option that allows you to save each of your actions in the browser. A simple thing as that will save you from going through a whole array of pages just to get to your target, for instance, a certain category of goods in an online shop. Just save your actions once, iNetFormFiller always accurately processes pages of any complexity, including those that consist of several frames.

So, all the pages that have been saved this way will be displayed in the left hand panel of iNetFormFiller, in the “Formcards List”. When you click on the page name, all the fields of this page (sort of its image called a ‘formcard’) will be displayed on the right. You can edit the form-card offline by entering new values. For pages consisting of several frames it is sometimes not quite clear in which of them you need to click “Submit”. In such cases when editing you can select the form (Auto Form). The list of all formcards is grouped by domains in the form of a tree. In other words, all the pages related to one site will be placed in one group. When you’ve used iNetFormFiller for a long time, your “Formcards List” will probably accumulate a large number of sites, and finding the formcard you need may become difficult even though they are conveniently displayed in the form of a tree. To make searching easier, the application provides various sorting options. This is where you will also find the button for collapsing the tree (a minor, but nevertheless useful detail!). It should also be noted that you can create “cards” not only for Web pages, but for Windows applications as well. That is, when you open a protected WinRAR archive you will see a window requesting to enter the password. With iNetFormFiller you can save this window as a formcard (like a Web page) and edit it the same way. Thus, once you save such a window and enter the password for it in the formcard, you will be able to enter the password with a single mouse click. This is just a simple example, while there are many applications where this way you can automate filling in complete forms comprising dozens of fields. As has been mentioned above, this feature was implemented in version 2.6 only.

You think every possible thing has already been automated to the maximum? Wrong! iNetFormFiller’s resources haven’t been exhausted yet. This application is equipped with a curious “process automation” option that allows you to save each of your actions in the browser. A simple thing as that will save you from going through a whole array of pages just to get to your target, for instance, a certain category of goods in an online shop. Just save your actions once, and next time iNetFormFiller will go all the way for you. Certainly, this is reasonable when you can’t get a direct link to the end page. In this mode the application will remember not only the fields you’ve filled in, but every click on a link or a button. Thus you can record a whole journey through the Net, and then just reproduce it as many times as you need, probably changing some parameters every once in a while. Depending on the application settings, the reproduction mode can be semi-automatic or automatic. In the former mode you’ll have to confirm each action, and in the latter the application will automatically do everything and present to you the end result.
It seems that we have studied the major features of a standard version of the application. However, iNetFormFiller Pro has yet another feature that will undoubtedly interest those who work in the Internet on a professional level. The case in point is batch processing that enables the users to enter information into a certain form over and over again spending minimum time and efforts on the job. All you need to do is to create a certain text file with the required data in the format of your choice, load it into iNetFormFiller and link the Web form fields to the data in the file. Now just enter the URL of the target page, and iNetFormFiller will repeatedly fill in the form every time anew, according to the data in the file.
On the whole there two modes of batch processing: automatic and step-by-step. In the former the application will scan the whole text file itself and fill in the form as many times as there are data you have provided. The latter mode presupposes that once a form has been completed, you’ll have to confirm moving over to the next step. As you see, the features are designed so as to reduce your work to a minimum. No doubt, batch processing is a real boon if you need to enter all sorts of information in certain forms over and over again.
In addition to all the features mentioned above, the flexibility of settings in this application deserves a special note. It is very convenient that you can configure custom settings for each page, including various filling and saving options.

Besides, it is worth mentioning that the application is equipped with the ability to export/import profiles and formcards enabling the user to select what needs to be exported or imported. This makes the process of transferring to another computer or another operational system as easy as it can be. In addition, with iNetFormFiller you can create backup copies of the whole database to restore your information in the long run (things do happen, but why enter all the information again by hand?).
It is good news that the application is provided with active technical support that tries to give its fullest attention to every user of iNetFormFiller running into problems when automatically filling in a certain Web page. iNetFormFiller makes contact with technical support as effortless as it can be: just click the right button, and the “problem” Web form will be sent directly to developers. They will find out what has caused the problem, solve it and upload the next update on the official site. In version 2.6 the process of updating the application is as automated and simplified as possible. You no longer need to download a new version every time it is released – iNetFormFiller will identify the update on its own and download the missing files only.
Certainly, iNetFormFiller has a whole array of other features, but we are not going to consider them now, as the rest is quite easy to figure out. What is left to us is a summary.

Having studied the numerous features that applications of such kind present, I’m beginning to understand how deeply mistaken I was thinking that the speed and comfort of work depend on technical means only. As I have already mentioned above, at present iNetFormFiller is the application offering the most powerful toolset to automate and speed up working in the Internet. And since the application is regularly updated, it is obvious that its developers believe there is always room for growth.
When considering the cost of iNetFormFiller, one should remember the ultimate purposes that it serves, particularly the following:
– saving the precious time;
– saving money (!
– saving your health that, as we all know, you can never buy;
– comfortable work.
In my opinion, the application easily makes up for the $15 (for the standard version, or $50 for the Pro version) that its developers are asking for their efforts. After all, if you think about it, what computer part can you buy for this much to make your pastime in the Internet as comfortable and efficient as iNetFormFiller does?
You can download the latest version of iNetFormFiller from: http://www.inetformfiller.com/


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