AdsCleaner. Less Ads, Less Time Wasted
It”s not common for today”s professionals to spend increasingly more time on the Internet, seeking the information they need, reading news online, or finding new business partners and customers. Indeed, the Internet of today is developing at an astonishing speed and every day an ever-increasing number of people from all over the world and from a variety of walks of life take advantage of the benefits the Internet delivers when doing their everyday jobs. However, the nagging online advertisements tend to constantly distract us from the important information and the very nature of the Internet with its cross-linking sometimes leads to embarrassing situations when you have to waste your valuable time revisiting the same web pages time and again. AdsCleaner provides intuitive tools allowing you to make your web surfing experiences more pleasant efficient and productive.
AdsCleaner has got full marks from several popular software directories at a time. Such a steep success curve of this program is easy to explain. Here is no other application on the world software market offering a unique feature set comparable to AdsCleaner. Its innovative features designed to make web surfing easier and fight the annoying Internet ads at the same time make this application really stand out of the crowd of similar software products. Easy to use and extremely intuitive, AdsCleaner has a perfect chance to become an everyday surfing assistant you can lean on when browsing the Web.
2.Ads Blocking Features.
Ads of all kind have already become part and parcel of the Internet, and we have to put up with this fact. Some people earn their living with advertising, some promote their products or services. But one thing is certain: as soon as we enter the Internet, we instantly feel the aggressive drive of advertising. We are constantly distracted by the unnecessary advertisement information we do not need – with an aim to make us visit the advertiser’s site. There are various techniques for doing this. One of the most popular is the use of pop-up windows and banner ads of all kinds. As its name suggests, AdsCleaner is designed primarily to help you get rid of the annoying banner ads when browsing web pages. The program allows you to efficiently block the unwanted pop-ups and cuts off the graphics from other domains easily without requiring any additional configuration steps. The above-mentioned feature increases the effectiveness of ad blocking in the Internet, ‘cause sometimes “The Black list” and blocking by dimensions are not enough for quality ad blocking.
The banner blocking efficiency is ensured by the simple and open ads detection mechanism. For instance, AdsCleaner features a built-in blacklist that stores all the world”s major banner-generating sites. This list can be easily replenished with new entries, right from the web page you are browsing. You can select a number of banners on a particular web page with your mouse and use the right-click context menu to add the source sites to the system blacklist. When you load the page next time the blacklisted banners won”t appear.
When working with AdsCleaner a user can send a message about non-blocked banners to our on-line service. This ability is accessible from the context menu of MS IE, called in by right click. Once the message is handled, the URL of Ads generator (or its mask) is added to ads blocker “black” list, which is accessible through our server. Ads blocker “black” list would be regularly checked for urgency, and update automatically if needed. Blacklists can be imported and exported, which makes it easy and convenient to share them with your friends and fellow workers. However, sometimes a blacklist of “bad” web addresses alone is not enough. So AdsCleaner can additionally be configures to ban the banners loaded for other domains, which can improve the banner blocking efficiency by a magnitude.
In addition to the possibility of blocking ads by URL-masks included into black list, AdsCleaner has obtained the ability to block banners, which have specific dimensions. The application would block not only the ads of common dimensions (468×60, 88×31, etc but of any other dimensions predefined by user. Moreover, to provide more flexible options for this feature, a user can set a range for dimensions that would allow blocking the banners whose dimensions differ a bit from standards.
When blocking the loading of banners in compliance with user settings, AdsCleaner can either cut the banner and “shrink” the page area that has been occupied by the ad or change the banner with predefined small text block. Both options are useful depending on the situation. When a text block is put instead of the banner, the web page integrity is not broken – i.e. the page is shown “as is”, but without ads. In its part, the option to shrink the page is useful for the pages that are overloaded with banners, when on the one hand they contain minimum information, and on the other they are stretched to several screens, making their viewing impossible. By shrinking the page AdsCleaner can solve this problem and represent the page in a more compact view. Note, you’ll see only the useful information. Such a flexible approach gives user a possibility to work with web pages even more comfortably.
The program uses smart techniques to automatically tell the unwanted pop-up windows from the necessary pop-ups that appear when you intentionally click a specific link. Sometimes the unwanted pop-ups blocking feature can turn to be nearly a life-saver, when you bump into a “bad” web site by chance. Many web surfers surely experienced the frustrating situation when some web page virtually bombarded you with numerous pop-ups of dubious value and you could do nothing about it. The only solution sometimes is to reboot your computer, which is exactly the type of thing you”d want to avoid. ? ?????, ???? ?? ???? ????????. With AdsCleaner such things just don”t happen. On the other hand, if you would like to turn this useful feature off for whatever reason, you can always easily do it right from within the active Internet Explorer window.
3.Web Surfing With AdsCleaner.
AdsCleaner seamlessly integrates into the familiar Internet Explorer browser and enhances it with an array of unique features that you can always easily access using the new AdsCleaner toolbar in the Internet Explorer browsing window.
First of all, be sure to take advantage of the program”s hyperlinks highlighting features designed to make it easy to avoid revisiting the same web pages. AdsCleaner highlights the previously visited hyperlinks in a special way (strikeout by default). Hovering your mouse cursor over such a link makes the application display a pop-up hint containing lots of useful information, including the last view date, your personal comments, page rating and even the way it looks, which makes it easy to remember the contents of the page the link refers to. Most of the time such tips allow you to save your time, since you don”t have to load a complete web document only to recall what kind of page it is.
It should also be noted that most of the visited links description features delivered by AdsCleaner can be conveniently utilized right from the familiar environment of Internet Explorer. For instance, by using the AdsCleaner toolbar buttons you can add your personal comments for a web page of your choice, set the page a rating, and create a page snapshot. Such a snapshot is then displayed in every pop-up hint for the hyperlinks referring to the page, which makes it easily recognizable wherever you encounter it. Additionally, you can get the current web page translated into the language of your choice, voice a selected text area of the page and much more.
Another convenience feature of AdsCleaner is a capability to provide all the information for the site you are browsing. For instance, you can conveniently view what pages of a given site you have already visited, switch to any of them in a breeze, and easily view all the domain link comments in a single window.

AdsCleaner allows you to load multiple web pages with a single mouse-click – a task that can be performed in a number of ways. You can select a specific text area containing the hyperlinks you need right within the page you are browsing and use the right-click context menu to open each of them in a new window. Additionally, you can take advantage of the Quick Groups that contain the most frequently utilized bookmarks lists for immediate access.
Moreover, AdsCleaner allows you to conveniently manage the opened Internet Explorer windows. At any time you can get the list of the currently opened web pages, instantly switch between them and close all the Internet Explorer windows with just a single mouse click. You can also save and load the lists of opened web pages, which makes it easy to suspend your browsing session and resume it at any time later on, while leaving all your work intact.

AdsCleaner comes in handy when you need to clear all the information automatically stored by Windows when you surf the Web. Just use a the corresponding button on the toolbar to clear all the cookies, cache files, typed-in URLs and empty the Recent Documents folder. After that no-one will ever know what web resources you visited, and when.
Thanks to its many neat, timesaving features AdsCleaner makes a perfect browser add-on designed to make your Internet Explorer a lot more intelligent and easier to use. With AdsCleaner your browser is no longer just a useful app for viewing web pages, but a time-saving tool designed for efficient, productive and comfortable web surfing.
4. Working With Bookmark Manager
The program becomes even more universal due to ability of bookmark manager, which can be called from a toolbar integrated into IE, and also from context menu, available from system tray.
You can add your personal comments to the current web page, bookmark it, assign it a specific rating, create a Rubricator linkage and much more – all from the active browser window. Bookmark manager (available in AdsCleaner Professional) is capable of storing, sorting, categorization of bookmarks. Besides, it provides powerful abilities for bookmarks search (by user comments, captions, rating, rubrics, etc.). No doubt, users will approve of following additional features: managing bookmarks lists, ability to import/export bookmarks and data, ability to work with several databases.
The result of search is given in a way of list that can be saved and used later. And in connection to this, we should note a unique AdsCleaner Professional’s feature, that would be highly appreciated by the users, that carry out management researches in the WWW. The application allows not only arranging various bookmark lists and store them, but also manage them: unite, check for duplicate and differing entries.
To share your personal data with friends or fellow-workers, or to transfer your bookmarks archive to another machine, be sure to use the export/import functionality of AdsCleaner for the purpose. When exporting/importing your data, you can choose if you need to process the entire database or just want to export some specific rubrics. You can also specify if the web page snapshots will be processed. Additionally, sorting, categorization of bookmarks. Besides, it provides powerful abilities for bookmarks search (by user comments, captions, rating, rubrics, etc.). No doubt, users will approve of following additional features: managing bookmarks lists, ability to import/export bookmarks and data, ability to work with several databases.
The result of search is given in a way of list that can be saved and used later. And in connection to this, we should note a unique AdsCleaner Professional’s feature, that would be highly appreciated by the users, that carry out management researches in the WWW. The application allows not only arranging various bookmark lists and store them, but also manage them: unite, check for duplicate and differing entries.
To share your personal data with friends or fellow-workers, or to transfer your bookmarks archive to another machine, be sure to use the export/import functionality of AdsCleaner for the purpose. When exporting/importing your data, you can choose if you need to process the entire database or just want to export some specific rubrics. You can also specify if the web page snapshots will be processed. Additionally, you can easily import and export your bookmarks archive to/from the Internet Explorer Favorites folder. Here you can also select only the items you need to import/export and select the rubric to import to, when necessary. Ability to work with several bases was not left aside too.
Ad and pop up blocker, unique tools for web surfing, as well as a powerful bookmark manager: all these features make AdsCleaner Professional one the most universal and effective tools for work in the Internet. “Fast and easy surfing without ads” slogan can be used to describe AdsCleaner. Ad blocking effectiveness of AdsCleaner amazes! And it’s not a fortuity that independent analytical team “InternetSoftReview” had claimed AdsCleaner the best pop up and ad blocker.

You can take a look at results of numerous ad blockers tests here:


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