Patric Chan
Here”s a quiz question (Not trick question):
What attracts online success?
Success is attracted to speed.
Speed attracts success.
In fact, because I want to get this message across to you as fast as possible, you”ll find grammatical errors because it”s not been proof read yet. I just thought of this and you”re reading it right now after this tip was manifested from my mind.
Do you know that …
There are millions of other people having the same ideas you have in mind this instant on how make money on the internet?
Let”s say, you saw an opportunity in an online niche market.
Maybe, you think that writing an ebook about “A Guide To Breed Persian Cats” would be a profitable info-product to sell online.
If this is true, do you think that you are the only person who found or realized this potential?
I doubt it.
On the internet, it”s not the big that swallows the small, but the fast that beats the slow.
If you delay your online income stream ideas you have in mind, it”s just a matter of time before someone else around the world “steal” it away.
Those who had pioneered the profitable online niche will be the leader of the market. And the leaders will take home big fat checks each month.
The more time you delay from launching your excellent ideas you have, the higher risk you are exposing yourself from “losing” it to someone else.
Here”s another example:
Have you notice that when a product is “hot” in the market, you”ll see many marketers promoting it as an affiliate?
If you are promoting the same product, do you think you”ll get more sales if you are the first one who promotes it or the 10th person to do that?
It”s a no-brainer question. The earlier you get to promote it BEFORE EVERYONE ELSE, the higher your chance of getting more sales.
In a nutshell, speed is very important to be successful online.
So, if online success is attracted to speed, how are you going to use this to your advantage?
Always use leverage to save your time whenever you can because the LONGER TIME you take, the SLOWER you”ll start your online income stream.
Like, instead of me thinking on how to write more business tips or create marketing content, I”ve purchased Viral Article Tool Kit that allows me to use the content in it. This way, I save time by using other people’s time and knowledge.
Viral Article Tool Kit package includes 199 prewritten articles and 900 business tips that you rebrand or rewrite for your own use for free.
Or you can always hire a ghost writer if you do not have enough time to create content for your website.
But the most important part is to be able to absorb internet marketing knowledge and information as much as possible at THE SHORTEST PERIOD of time.
This can be done by using speed-reading strategy. I”ve recently tested it and it works.
If you like a recommendation from me, I”ll recommend “The 16-Minute Speed-Reading Audio Program” because I”ve used it personally.
You can now DOUBLE your reading speed for all of the internet mark.eting ebooks that you have. Go to:
Now that you realized that speed is very important to attract online success, don”t you feel an urgency to start making money online today?


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