JPE Advertising
by Jane Mark and Phil Basten,
Not everyone is a writer. Good copy writing is a science and can be learned over time. Great copy writing is an art and should probably remain in the hands of those who can craft it well.
Words have power.They can make you laugh, cry experience great joy, provide encouragement or they can destroy your confidence. They need to be used very carefully. You can compell people to take an action you want through the power of your words.
When writing sales copy, you need to consider what response or action you want your reader to take.
To do this you need to talk to your reader on a personal level, get them emotionally involved in and draw them in through the power of your words.
Paint a picture of what your product or service will do for them and then anticipate and answer all of their questions and doubts before they have a chance raise them.
Many books on copywriting have been written. They can guide you and teach you to be a better writer than you are now – mostly by getting you to avoid making a gross faux pas thereby making your ad copy acceptable or passible.
For the most part, however, if you are not a good writer, you probably never will be.
You can face this reality in one of two ways. You can tear your hair out and expend valuable time and energy trying to do what you cannot or you can get help – not book help – professional help from someone with the know how, expertise,experience and the talent to write compelling, effective ad copy.
Good sales letters can mean the difference between making sales or not making them. They are critical to the growth of any business. They are an absolute MUST HAVE, if you are serious about succeeding.
When you need great ad copy, hire a killer Sales writer and use their talents to enhance your sales letters or your website. It”s well worth the investment.


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