Arun Pal Singh
Opportunity has strange ways of presentation. While you may search heavily for it everywhere, it will stand there silently, waiting to be found. It will not knock your door or pat on your back to grab your attention.
It will stand there; appear in disguise waiting for you to recognize it and lift the veil from its face. It demands action from you, yet it won’t give the slightest hint of its existence. Why?
A man who seeks opportunity will eventually find one. When, how and where entirely depends on the sharpness of the seeker. Opportunities are already there. If we are not conscious, we don’t see one. Only when we start becoming conscious , we start finding one.
Recently a friend of mine critically asked me “If home business on the net can bring so much wealth and freedom to oneself how come everybody is not sitting at home and earning”.
He was trying to negate that money can be earned by online business. I tried to explain him about online earning but he was not ready to accept the reason.
“I think that is wastage of time.” He completely rejected me.
He was not conscious of the fact and he could not be subjected to reason.
Well! Then home business is not for him.
First step to find an opportunity is to believe that it exists. One must accept that it is there. Then one must become conscious of home business’ money earning potential.
When you become conscious of something you start noticing that in abundance. If you are not conscious of something you can’t see that even surrounding are full of it.
That is law of nature.
Nature has designed things in this fashion to avoid the revelation to the unprepared and thus unworthy.
The opportunity can only be used by able. One who can recognize the opportunity and acts to tap it is an able man. Other kinds either will not find the chance or let it pass without utilization.
Home business on the net has produced millionaires. Countless people started with limited resources and now earn unlimited wealth. What did they do?
They recognized an opportunity and took action. They had eyes for the opportunity and audacity for taking an action. That is what makes them stand apart in addition to the wealth they have made.
They were able.
Taking an action is second step for tapping the opportunity. Action taking is must if you want to get yields from opportunity. Otherwise the opportunity is as good as no opportunity.
Opportunity for home based business would always remain. With internet expanding at such a fast pace, potential of home business is much more than ever.
But only those seek with conviction and vision would find one.
Moreover, only those who are courageous enough to take action would find their way to enormous wealth.
People who lack conviction, courage or both will not find any wealth in the home business or for that matter anything.


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