Why do they need 3 Special Reports. It seems that the Department of Defense, the Congress, and the President are all going to do special reports on what went right and what went wrong with regards to the government response to the Hurricane Katrina Disaster Victims. Before this is over I wouldn’t be surprised if the State Governments also launch Investigations.

It’s been said allowing Government agencies to investigate Government agencies is like letting Dillinger guard a bank vault. What purpose does multiple investigations serve. The outcomes are very predictable Congress is going to blame the President. The President is going to blame the Congress. The State Governments are going to blame the Federal and Military bureaucracies. The Military will blame the Department of Homeland Security, It may not happen just as stated above but everyone will blame everyone else. The finger pointing will resemble a bunch of kids in a sandbox.

Politicians have to much to loose if they are too hard on themselves. What politician is going to stand up and say if we would have done this differently we could have saved many lives (plug in a number).

The only way to get real usable information is to have an Independent commission not associated with any of the groups responsible for responding. The purpose of the report shouldn’t be to finger point (unfortunately mistakes will be needed to be pointed out). The Purpose of the report should be to put policies and procedures into place to enable a better response next time. In the wake of disasters no matter how well the relief effort goes if even one or two things can be learned to save even 1 life next time it is worth investigating and making the improvement.

About the Author
Mike Makler Offers Financial Services (Mortgages,Life Insurance, Annuity) in Florissant Missouri which is in North St. Louis County Missouri Just Across the Bridge from St. Charles Missouri

Call Mike at 314 398-5547

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