A recent study has shown that just about two-thirds of Democrat Leadership pads their resumes on their websites. Businesses who do this can be sued by shareholders or the Government for misrepresentation of facts; why the double standard for our Democratic Leadership in the United States Senate or House of Representatives?

In the last Presidential Election the big down fall for John F Kerry was in fact his embellishment of his war hero status. His running mate was also attacked on Blogs across the Internet. Recently I have seen Democrats call for the ousting of FEMA Director Mr. Brown, for padding his resume, saying that his work with putting on massive Horse Shows and events did not qualify him for FEMA head? Yet if anyone would look at what is involved in such large massive events or anyone who has ever done such a thing, they would know indeed it is total last minutes details in the heat of chaos. Additionally Mr. Brown’s experience in such endeavors is small in comparison to his other accomplishments, namely Western States Wildfires and 4-Hurricanes last year.

In reading these resumes online at the websites of these Democrats all one can see is padding. We all know politicians do not run things, they show up after it is all ready at the last second, usually late for a friggin photo-op. I say to the democrats who are attacking our FEMA director to shut up, as you all live in glass houses and indeed have more stuffing in your resumes than the clouds brought in by Katrina and Ophelia combined. Think on that, as you purport your tit for tat, because anyone with any brains is not listening to you media mirrored minds echoing in your never ending mouths.

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