
Roy… this week you learned something about yourself. You learned that if you don’t take responsibility and action for doing things, things will happen anyways. And when they do you will not feel that you are in control and your will recent the action and rebel even though it is what you wanted. These actions will seem external and out of your control.

For some time now you have thought that you should spend more time running sales leads at your work. You believe that you need more money and you wanted to spend less time in front of the computer. You also felt that you wanted to spend less time in the pub with your co-workers after work. This thought has been going through your mind for months and you have been unable to transform that thought to action satisfactorily.

Procrastination and inaction on a conscious level leads to what appears to be action from an outside source, when your circumstances change.

You once again discovered this week how thought converts itself into physical action at a lower level of your consciousness when you don’t consciously get involved.

The company that you work for has had its best year ever in gross sales. Your sales are up and so are the sales of your team. Things appear to be moving along smoothly with all the ups and downs of day to day business. Still you would like to increase your sales and make some personal changes, this thought has been on your mind daily and you have not done anything about it, or have you?

Over the course of the time that your boss has owned the business, he has mismangaged it, and personal spending has gotten out of control. Despite the high sales figures and net profit for last year, he doesn’t have the money he needs. The profit did not go back into the company and it is suffering and so this week he called the sales team into the office and started making demands. The sales team once again is being pushed to do better and he has extended your hours and is forcing more leads upon you.

Roy… Congratulations you got exactly what you wanted. Although you were angered at being forced into doing these things and you were ready to quit your job, you nevertheless were blessed with what you said you needed. You will be earning more money; you will spend less time in the pub with co-workers and less time in front of the computer.

The only thing that did not work out for you here is that you did not take a pro-active lead in changing what needed to be changed and it appears that it was forced on you or was it?

The three steps to manifesting desire is thought, word and deed and it all happened despite your wish to control the circumstances of it happening. It was you that manifested the whole thing. The others, your boss, his circumstances, the rest of the sales team all were drawn into this scenario to facilitate turning your thoughts into physical reality. The system works perfectly and you are a witness to its functions. It is what you have been writing about for almost five years and as you look back over your life, this is the way that it most often works for you.

If you cannot manifest what you want on a conscious level of awareness, you will do it at a subconscious level of awareness.

For three days now you have been very angry about how it happened until yesterday when you discovered the gift that your boss, your co-workers and the circumstances of the business brought to you. The only regret or anger you feel is towards yourself for not taking the initiative to do something at a higher level of consciousness, in other words you wanted to control the situation.

Don’t miss the point here Roy. It was your thought that brought the change; it was not forced upon you by anyone else, because in truth there is no one else. You do not have to control the process but only know that it works, as is now self evident. Do not see the actions of your boss as punishment, excessive demands or desperation but as a gift from an angel that was sent to you so that you may have what you desire.

If it brings some comfort to your ego, you also know that all the other probabilities also exist at the same time and place. So there is a Roy that did quit from anger. There is a boss that did dismiss Roy because he wouldn’t go along with his demands and there is the company that went broke and all jobs were lost because the sales staff refused the opportunity. Anything that you can imagine did happen and you are now focused only on the circumstance that brought you what you desired.

As you become more aware of how well this process works the better you will be able to manifest at a conscious level and the faster it will seem to you.

There appears to be a lag between your thought and the result because you are focused in the physical world of time and space. The truth is that it all happened the moment you thought about it and it simply took time for you to focus on it and bring it into your awareness.

What you really experienced this week is that all thoughts will manifest whether you believe you took affirmative action or not; all people, places and things are elements of a process that is designed to give you what you desire. All thoughts become physical at some level of consciousness and exist only in your mind as you focus on them. All the people and circumstances of your reality are there because you have brought them to you, to serve you. You can experience anything that you desire if you know it to be your truth.

Faith, trust and hope are aspects or steps of a knowing process; they are the long way around getting what you desire. Imagine it, and then know that it is already yours and it will be so. Be affirmative and demand from the universe, be grand in your expectations. At what ever level you believe you are deserving, so shall you receive that level of realization or fulfillment.

Roy E. Klienwachter is an ordained minister,light worker, writer and author of Spiritual New Age Wisdom books written in simple language with the eloguence of Zen wisdom. His articles seek to empower you so that you may have all that you desire.

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