The Democratic party is literally in the sewer when in comes to rebounding in the next election. In fact it is not looking too good for Hillary Clinton right now. The Democrats have tapped into wealthy folks and Arab groups to fund 80-million Dollars to fund think tank, which was reported in the Washington Post. This might have a good play at influencing the masses, although simply throwing money at the situation will not work, remember of course George Soros trying to change our elections here with his money? That did not work then and trying to baffle the public with Liberal BS may not work this time around.

We have seen how Liberal Think Tank groups operate when looking at which is run out of a “K-Street” law office and lobbyist firm in Washington D.C.. conveniently manipulates data, sends out press releases and plays the blame game. Sometimes they get people to bite, but more and more people only take their online news only to see what kind of crap they are purporting this week. Many just laugh at their persnickety attacks and most of the media takes their data, reports and claims with a grain of salt.

It would appear that spending $80 Million Dollars on Think Tanks to promote the liberal agenda is quite ridiculous indeed. If the issue was stem cells, all that will change as the Bush Administration leaves, so it is silly for these liberals to claim science as their domain, when the Republican Party, which is the party of entrepreneurialism and capitalism is really where it is at with regards to funding science and bringing killer applications to market. Where will the Liberals get all this money and support? And are they really smart enough to run think tanks, there ideals are not even duplicatable in reality, only in a LA LA Land dream.

They have done nothing more than promote hate and hokum in the last election and bringing an academic slant to think tanks has been done for years, so we really do not need any more think tanks, what we need is for liberal attack style politics to take a hike in their adored rain forests with their cell phones, GPS and SUVs. Don’t kid yourself wealthy liberals do not drive VW hybrids? The ones I know drive Hummers and Mercedes SUVs and they do not think, they react.

Sorry 80 million in Think Tanks ain’t going to do it, now or ever. No one is listening to the Democratic Party right now and they do not know what to do? Think on that.

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