We had the dubious distinction of having two members of America’s royal court of Political Correctness get involved in what the mainstream media has been calling, “Mexico refuses to apologize in racism row with U.S.” [1]

Lord Jesse Jackson came to Mexico to meet with President Fox while Prince Al Sharpton could not wait to grace the doors of the Mexican Consulate in New York demanding apologies from President Fox to American Blacks.

What was it that President Fox did that so irked Lord Jesse and Prince Al? Notice I did NOT say “irked America’s blacks” because I do not for one minute believe that these two American Ideological Imperialist, Jackson and Sharpton, speak for America’s Blacksno matter how much they insist that they do.

Well, they, Jackson and Sharpton, took offense when President Fox made an innocuous statement that, “Mexican immigrants do jobs that not even blacks want to do there in the United States”. Notice I said, “They took offense” rather than President Fox made an offensive statement.

Of course, Jackson and Sharpton went into high gear because that is what they do. It is their job. It is their role in life to keep those tax-deductible contributions coming into the coffers of the nontaxable, nonprofit organizations they run. If they didn’t come flying into action, as the self-appointed vanguards of the African-American branch of American Ideological Imperialism, then the contributions would soon dry up and they, of course, cannot have that.

So, Jackson and Sharpton, always prepared and at the ready, decided to engage in a little American Ideological Imperialism with the President of Mexico. And, here is what I mean by American Ideological Imperialism:

An imperialist, of course, is someone trying to implement a policy of extending his rule over foreign countries or a political orientation that advocates imperial interests. This began in America’s own backyard.

Within America itself, this Ideological domination of the various so-called minorities was born and now inhabits the thoughts and minds of the American people. It is popularly called, Political Correctness. The effects on America have been startling and profound.

“Political Correctness is Marxism, with all that implies: loss of freedom of expression, thought control, inversion of the traditional social order and, ultimately, a totalitarian state. The effects of this philosophy have become strikingly clear in our day. Co-author Dr. Gerald L. Atkinson outlines the proposed tactics of the early cultural Marxists. The immediate goal is to destroy “all barriers to the introduction of more women and minorities throughout the power structure.” These methods of so doing include “laws and lawsuits, intimidation, and demonizing of white males as racists and sexists.” A strangle-hold on popular media and the universities and what they are allowed to say and teach is a key element of their long-term goals. To pro-life, pro-family proponents, in an age where a man can be arrested for proclaiming sodomy to be a sin, or who can be fired from a teaching position for daring to discuss God, these tactics will sound eerily familiar.” [2]

American Ideological Imperialism is the exportation of America’s Marxist Political Correctnessthe loss of freedom of expression, thought control, inversion of the traditional social order and, ultimately, a totalitarian state.

That is exactly what Jackson and Sharpton were doing this week. Someone dared to cross Jackson’s and Sharpton’s self-perceived and self-imposed ideological line on race so they flew into action to “straighten out” the President of Mexico. In other words, President Fox’s freedom of expression, thought, and the traditional social order of his Mexican culture be damned.

Jackson and Sharpton were seeking to impose their political orientation, which advocates their imperial interests of forcing their views of race over the face of the earth. President Fox happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and is now the object of their arrogant wrath.

Listen to this:

“In a phone interview with The Associated Press, Sharpton said he wasn’t satisfied with the contradictory expressions of regret issued by the administration of Vicente Fox this week. He said he would seek an “unequivocal, formal” apology during a meeting with Fox on Monday in Mexico City.” [3]

Here is the scary part of all of this (other than Jackson and Sharpton being xenophobic Americans knowing nothing of Mexican language much less its culture): JUST WHO DO SHARPTON AND JACKSON THINK THEY ARE? These two clowns and yes, I just called them clowns, are acting like this is an International Incident, and they are the diplomatic representatives of the United States. What a couple of ding-dongs. I am embarrassed that Mexico let them into the country to engage in this act of utter nonsense!

Here is the dangerous part of all of this: The Central Proposition of something called Cultural Imperialism applies nicely to American Ideological Imperialism. It is, in fact, virtually the same thing in my view:

“Although several authors have posited their own interpretations of cultural imperialism, the main proposition of the theory can be identified in the work of one of the main cultural imperialism theorists. Cultural imperialism proposes that a society is brought into the modern world system when its dominating stratum is attracted, pressured, forced, and sometimes bribed into shaping its social institutions to correspond to, or even promote, the values and structures of the dominating center of the system (Schiller, 1976).” [4]

Is this not what Lord Jackson and Prince Al were doing in this particular instance of American Ideological Imperialism? Were they not, as the self-imposed and self-perceived (talk about delusions of grandeur!) representatives of the United States trying to “promote, the values and structures of the dominating center of the system”?

These two men were indeed on an American Ideological Imperialist mission to force Mexico into the mold of their worldview of race. They were in Mexico in an attempt to promote the values and structures of the dominating system of their concept of what is right and what is wrong.
This is why America and its Political Correctness, in all its forms, are so very wrong. This is why it is so dangerous. This is why it will eventually be the undoing of America itself.

“Political Correctness is Marxism, with all that implies: loss of freedom of expression, thought control, inversion of the traditional social order and, ultimately, a totalitarian state.”

This is not the America I once knew. But, it is what America has become and it is the America my wife and I will forever grieve. We live in Mexico now and it is here we will stay.


[2] Political Correctness: More Insidious and Dangerous Than Most Realize, Say Writers True purpose is the complete eradication of traditional Western Culture;

href=”http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2005/may/05051909.html” rel=”nofollow”>http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2005/may/05051909.html

[3] Sharpton:Fox Must Apologize to Blacks By TRACI CARL Associated Press Writer

href=”http://www.winktv.com/x466.xml?URL=http://localhost/APWIREFEED/d8a6ln5o0.xml” rel=”nofollow”>http://www.winktv.com/x466.xml?URL=http://localhost/APWIREFEED/d8a6ln5o0.xml

[4] Reconsidering cultural imperialism theory By Livingston A. White Florida State University

href=”http://www.tbsjournal.com/Archives/Spring01/white.html” rel=”nofollow”>http://www.tbsjournal.com/Archives/Spring01/white.html

Doug Bower is a freelance writer and book author. His most recent writing credits include The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Houston Chronicle, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and Transitions Abroad. He is a columnist with Cricketsoda.com and the Magic City Morning Star. He is also listed with Ezinearticles.com. He lives with his wife in Guanajuato, Mexico. His newest book Mexican Living: Blogging it from a Third World Country can now be seen at

target=”_new” href=”http://www.lulu.com/content/126241″ rel=”noopener noreferrer”>http://www.lulu.com/content/126241

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